Exceptional English Teacher Awards

On Monday evening, 17th February 2020, 36 English teachers from all over Israel received the Exceptional English Teachers Awards, in loving memory of Rafael Gefen, the first Chief Inspector for English, who passed away last year. The award winners were representatives of all levels of education: Elementary, Junior High and High schools and from all sectors of society. The ceremony was well attended by over 250 at the Hadassa Academic College in Jerusalem and the awards were presented by Mr. Shmuel Abuav, DIrector General of the Israeli Ministry of Education, Dr. Miri Schlissel, Head of the Pedagogical Secretariat, Mr. Moshe Zafrani, Head of Languages, Dr. Tziona Levi, Chief Inspector for English, Mrs. Risa Levy of the American Embassy and Mr. Ran Erez, Chairman of the Secondary School Teachers' Union.

Once the Corona pandemic is over, plans will be made for an additional round of Teacher Awards - hopefully in 2021 or 2022.