English from Home website

The headlines read - Covid 19 - Schools to be closed. National English counselors from around the country spring into action and within a week, the English from Home site was born. Counselors and thereafter teachers collaborated to create a site with a plethora of ideas and programs for teachers to create and execute successful lessons from their own home. This was not an easy time for all of us but the swiftness of this group of counselors meant that no time was wasted as this site was shared with teachers all over Israel.

The site is divided into different grade levels and is suitable for all the teachers of Israel. Links to the Educational Portal, links to online programs and links to many online resources are just snippets from this wonderful site.

Enjoy your time browsing this site. LINK

Watch A clip from the site about hybrid teaching:

learning from home.mp4

Teachers Share on the English from Home site:

Sharing Time (Responses)