Aim High

The “Aim High” program is designed to give students in their final years of high school, the belief, motivation and learning tools that are necessary to complete the requirements to reach the three-point Bagrut matriculation. The most recent data reports that 22% of Israeli high school students are not eligible for the three-point matriculation test. With this in mind, the Ministry of Education has allocated a special budget for those specific students who despite attending school, have tremendous gaps in their knowledge in English.

"Aim High's” vision is to create appropriate learning environments adapted to meet the needs of these students and offer an equal opportunity for all students in Israel to reach the minimal requirement of 3 points. Thus, students in Mabar and Etgar classes, or those who go to Technological centers are targeted. Students will now have the opportunity to learn in a small group of 4-10 students, where a learning program will be tailored to their learning needs.

For more details, please contact Irmit Rabin