Building Blocks

English language achievement levels are significantly influenced by L2 literacy. Pre-service and in-service teacher training programs should include direct instruction of literacy skills to increase the number of qualified English teachers who can assist in teaching literacy. If young children are not given quality literacy instruction, they will very likely continue to be under-achievers as they progress through the school system.

To address this issue for the past two years, school counselors and teachers were instructed in literacy theory and teaching strategies to raise awareness and create practical knowledge about English reading literacy among language educators; English teachers, counselors and school principals. In the the third year of Building Blocks, 110 counselors and English teachers nation-wide have joined a 60! hour course to delve into the learning and teaching of literacy in elementary and JH school and 30 others have joined a mentors’ course of 30 hours. This domain of knowledge and practice is crucial for every English teacher.