Splitter Cell


Splitter Cell is a game developed for the 7th Santa Maria Game Jam which theme was "Repetition".

We decided to use the theme as its meaning of "replication" to create a game that the player has to control multiples character with the same commands.

In the beginning of the Jam, after we decided to develop this kind of game, our hardest challenge was create a game that feels interesting to play, because this idea was resulting in game that was between boring or unfair.

Our decision to get around this problem was, counterintuitively, create more characters with more elements, than we was able to make a game that was in the first one or two waves easy, but in the 3rd and 4th waves harder and entertaining.

Even with my role in this project being game design and programming, I've decided to draw the title screen, and the background for this game.


  • Name: Splitter Cell
  • Release Date: June 26, 2018
  • Genre: Wave Survival
  • Engine: Construct 2
  • Platforms: HTML5


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Julick Coutinho
  • Programming: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Julick Coutinho
  • Art: Arthur Bertol
  • Sound: VĂ­tor Vieira


  • Art: Procreate
  • Engine: Construct 2
