Protocol 1578


I developed Protocol 1578 as a project for the "Content for games" class in UFN. Our task was use a Brazilian historical fact as inspiration to create a game using only four colors.

In 1578, Francis Drake and others British corsair came to Brazil to steal redwood. When I found that, it as amazing because I never wondered that Francis Drake has come to Brazil to do piratry, and since I didn't wanted to make a game about portugueses and indians (because almost all games I see about the past of our country is about that) I knew that this was the right fact to make a game of.

Using Crypt of the Necrodancer(2015), Cadence of Hyrule (2019) and based on the time we have to finish this prototype, a used the previews game we made (Maminosi), I decided to make another competitive multiplayer game, but this time, a rhythmic one.

Since we have to use only four colors, use two colors to differentiate the players and the black and white for the details seemed like the best idea in that moment. With this in mind I tried to use colors that even people with colorblindness would be able to differentiate, it wasn't an easy task, but looking for tables of how people with colorblindness see the world, I realized that orange and blue are almost always different for them, than it seemed the best choice for this game.


  • Name: Protocol 1578
  • Release Date: July 8, 2019
  • Genre: Rhythm
  • Engine: Unity
  • Platforms: Windows, MacOS, HTML5


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Programming: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Sound: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Supervisor: Cássio Lemos
  • Font: Dalton Maag (Lexia)


  • Engine: Unity
  • Coding: Visual Studio (C#)
  • Art: Procreate, Photoshop
  • Music: Garage Band
  • Sound Effects: Audacity


Protocol 1578 is a rhythm based combat game, the players only are able to move or shoot on the beat, each time they act in the right time they gain a special shot to use against its opponent but, anytime they try to move out the beat, they lose it.

My intention with this game was create a quick party game, to be played among friends to laugh while they try to defeat each other.


I used black, white, orange and blue to create the art of Protocol 1578 trying to make a game "Colorblind friendly". Unfortunately I just had the tables of color corespondent to use as reference, due to the fact that I didn't has much time to look for someone with colorblindness to test it, before I have to launch the game.

But, if you are colorblind, tell me if you can distinguish the two players and colors, you can use both the page of the game, my behance (bruno or send me an e-mail (brunogatcar at gmail dot com).

All illustrations of this game was made using Procreate for iPad Pro, and using a 100x100 pixels square as limits.


I know that a rhythmic game must have the musics and gameplay well merged together but, my skills with Garage Band and C# made me do some concessions about this functions. So, I made the beat and the music separately and, while the music is always playing in the game, I made the action availability of the players play the beat to tell them that they can act.
