Lost Inside


Lost Inside is a game developed for the 8th Santa Maria Game Jam which theme was "Rain".

We've tried to use the jam theme both mechanic and narrative element for our game. As a mechanic we create a bullet hell, because in Portuguese "Bullet rain" is one of the best translations of the meaning for this genre name.

And we used rain as "sadness" to create our game story, about a man who "killed" his wife in a car crash. He feels guilty and is having nightmares about that night. In this nightmares he confronts the five stages os grief in monster forms trying to kill him.

Because of the short time, we had a lot of troubles trying to get this prototype done, than the final boss (the acceptance) isn't implemented well, but we was able to add a second player to help as a "guardian viking spirit" (why not?) that helps the man with barriers.


  • Name: Lost inside
  • Release Date: November 11, 2018
  • Genre: Bullet Hell
  • Engine: Construct 2
  • Platforms: HTML5


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Guilherme Moreira, Julick Coutinho, Pietro Athayde
  • Programming: Guilherme Moreira, Julick Coutinho
  • Level Design: Guilherme Moreira
  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Pietro Athayde
  • Sound Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Guilherme Moreira


  • Art: Procreate, Photoshop
  • Music: Garage Band


I created the sprites for the game using primarily the app Procreate for iPad Pro. I tried to use only one color for each Stage Monster, using this color for every element it has.





Acceptance Regular

Acceptance Monster




In this game I used the app Garage Band to compose the musics using the loops presents in the app. My objective was create "five musics" that was only one music splitted, then I use a few loops to create each song, like for the "Denial song" I used only one loop and in the "Anger song" I used the same "Denial song" but I incremented with another loop. Then the "Acceptance Song" has more loops and is more exciting than the others four musics being a "boss fight song" that is the mix among all of the other stages.
