Sleepwalk Rescue


Sleepwalk Rescue is a game developed for the Game Maker's Toolkit Jam 2018 which theme was "Genre without mechanic".

I started in the jam late, so I had only 28 hours to build a prototype to submit. Due to this fact I decided to make a game of the genre I'm more acquainted: A platformer. But I had to take off some element of this genre, than I decided to take direct controls off my game transforming it on a puzzle game.

I've chosen the drag and drop mechanic using tiles with "instructions" the character follows when are in contact with. Because of the problems to combine two tiles in the screen, i decided to give the player the possibility to merge tiles to create "diagonal tiles", with this solution I was both erase the programming problem I had, and be able to create harder levels.

Sleepwalk Rescues has two game modes, the "Planning mode" allows the player pause the game and build the path, and the "Real time mode" where the player has to overcome the 6 levels of the game without being able to edit its tiles while the game is paused.


  • Name: Sleepwalk Rescue
  • Release Date: September 02, 2018
  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Engine: Construct 2
  • Platforms: HTML5


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes,
  • Programming: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Level Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes


  • Art: Procreate, Illustrator
  • Engine: Construct 2
