

For the classes of "Game Development II" and "Integrated Game Project II" each group has to create a Serious Game that must fits with the demand of some professor from other course of the university. Our professor-clients were from the Dentistry Course, and they needed a game to help the sixth semester students to practice their knowledge about "removable partial dentures".

In the first moment they wanted a game most like a simulator, but after a brainstorming we propose a game inspired in OverCooked! (2016) because it was mechanically simple and fun, besides it has almost the same structure of the simulator that they was looking for, just changing the mouse doing the action for a comic character doing this things.

Due to the fact that this game was designed to test the knowledge about some specific topic of Dentistry, the game became very hard to play for who isn't of this area, not because it has hard commands or need too much dexterity, but because each "case" refers to one class task of them.

Even it was a hard proposal, to adapt some so specific class content into a game, it was fun to develop and all of us of the group and the Dentistry Professors were satisfied with the prototype.

This game even won "The Best 3D Game" in the "2nd UFN Experimental Games Show"


  • Name: Sah'Loon

  • Release Date: December 16, 2019

  • Genre: Tactics, Competitive

  • Engine: Unity

  • Platforms: Windows, MacOS


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Julick Coutinho

  • Programming: Julick Coutinho, Rodrigo Marques

  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes (2D), Rafael Vargas (3D)

  • Sound: Julick Coutinho

  • Supervisor: Fabrício Tonetto, Cássio Lemos & Ricardo Frohlich

  • Font: Dalton Maag (Lexia)


  • Engine: Unity

  • Art: Procreate, Photoshop, Shader Graph

game design

As you can see in the name of this game, its completely inspired in OverCooked! (2016) because we though it has a good mechanics that fits pretty well with what we should do in our game. But what differs OverDente from OverCooked! ? Basically, what kind of product that the players must deliver.

In OverDente the two players must create the "removable partial dentures" based on the case that is presented. They have to pick the right teeth that is missing in the patient, and use the right hooks on the right spots to hold the denture in the patience's mouth.

This games works like an "arena" being like a party game, where the payers could try make more dentures in the same time. But OverDente can be expanded for a game with a lot of levels, each one with its own winning conditions and singularities.


I was in charge to create the interface of the game, and help into create a few Voxel objects for the game.

For the interface I used the Procreate App for iPad, and used a hand-drawn style, because of my lack of skills into make a good pixelart. This style of the interface, and the art of the menu made de art direction be something inspired in Toy Story, with the characters being like toys making the dentures in the Doctor's Table.

The main menu art

Some cases interface


The music was composed using the app Garage Band in order to create something "cozy" and "animated", and the sound effects was made recording and editing sounds using audacity.
