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Sah'Loon (2019)

Sah'Loon is a tactics game developed for "Game Development III" and "Integrated Game Project III" classes in UFN. We tried to create an accessible game both for low vision and colorblindness aesthetics and accessible for motor disease in its gameplay.

We wasn't succeeded in our task, most because of our scope that was much more than we was able to handle in that time, but we learned a lot about both tactical game design and accessibility.

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(Not) A Chance (2019)

(Not) A Chance is a game made for the 11th Santa Maria Game Jam, with theme "Only One". This game is a multiplayer bullet hell with only one 'player'. The idea is that each player controls an "electronic component" of an arcade, and must work together to play that game and defeat the only one boss.

The aesthetic is inspired in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the sounds of the game were taken from it.

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OverDente is a serious game developed for "Game Development II" and "Integrated Game Project II" classes in UFN. Our objetive was create a game which the students of Dentistry could be able to practice their knowledge about "removable partial dentures".

We, inspired by OverCooked!, decided to make a couch coop multiplayer game, where the players must set up this dentures using the right teeth and the right hook in each case.

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Protocol 1578 is a multiplayer rhythmic versus game inspired by Crypt of the Necrodancer, developed for "Content for games" class in UFN, Santa Maria, Brazil.

Our task was create a prototype game based in some Brazilian historical fact, and using only four colors. The fact I choose is "when Francis Drake and others Corsairs came to Brazil to steal redwood", so I decided to create a game where the Corsairs battle against the Brazilian forces for the wood.

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Maminosi is a multiplayer versus game prototype developed for the "Content for games" class in UFN. Our task was create a little mythology and create a prototype based on it.

Our mythology was the "Realium" using the Mayan and Slav myths, but we tried to use some actual knowledge of physics to create our gods so, our universe is a fabric that is pulled by four gods (North, South, East & West). Then, there was Maminosi, the Goddess of "repair and seam" which has two children, the Weavers.

The Weavers were bored, so they decided to create a competition, the first one who take the "Realistic Reel" and deliver it to their mother will become the next God of Victory, until theirs next joust.

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Snowen is the story of a snowman who was used to play with his 'creator kid' but, one day, this kid stopped to visit him, as soon as the winter ends, less is the hope that the kid will return. So the Snowman decided to go on an adventure to see his friend one more time before the spring arrives.

This game prototype is of the genre Masocore platformer that I've projected in UFSM as my term paper project.

My objetive was use the Fumito Ueda's Design by Subtraction to make mechanics that fits with the narrative's emotions I wanted to evoke in the player.

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This prototype was developed with the objective to be a serious game about animal preservation and environment care. It's a multiple characters platformer, where the player is able to be animals of the Brazilian fauna like 'Puma' and 'Blue Crow' which one with it's own mechanics to pass through the level.

Resgate Animal was made in the UFN with other three classmates: Rodirgo Marques (programming), Fagner Lemes (Level Design and Planning) and Reneu Morais (Collectable cards and sound).

In this game I was responsible of the Game Design and the Art elements of the game.

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Lost Inside is a game developed for the 8th Santa Maria Game Jam realized between November 9th and 11th which theme was "Rain".

We made this game using the rain theme as both mechanic, since this is a Bullet Hell (like "bullet rain") and context for the action using rain as "sadness" we create a story that is a man passing through the five stages of grief, and each one of them are a different kind of monster.

This game was made by Guilherme Moreira (Level Design, Programming and Sound Effects), Julick Coutinho (Programming), Pietro Athayde (Environment Design) and Me (Character Design). All of us decided the Game Design and the concept of the story together.

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I've developed Sleepwalk Rescue for the GameMaker's Toolkit Jam 2018 which theme was "Genre without mechanic", than I made a "Platformer without controls".

The objetive of this game is to use the tiles and merge them to create a safe path to the sleepwalker you can't control directly.

I started in the jam late, so I had 28 hours to finish this prototype, but I I was able to create 6 levels and 2 game modes, one for planning and getting the mechanics and other more difficult where the time don't stop and you have to be fast to create your path.

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Splitter Cell is a game developed for the 7th Santa Maria Game Jam realized in June, 2018 which theme was "Repetition".

We used the theme repetition as "Replication" and made some kind of a 'Wave Survivor' where each wave adds a new playable character but all of them are controlled by the same buttons, and their lives are shared so the player has to be aware of what is happening in all the characters and theirs skills.

Julick Coutinho and I made the Game Design and Programming together, Arthur Bertol made the Art and Vitor Vieira the Sound.

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We develop this prototype for the class of Game Design II in UFN, the theme of this project was "Underground". We challenge ourselves in create some kind of "unusual mechanic" for this game. Then we create a Top-down puzzle of a mole that signed some covenant with a mythologic monster like Cthulhu and become unable to see with its own eyes, but now it can see with "other beings eyes" to get out of this ruins.

Julick Coutinho and I made the Game and Level Design with the objetive to teach the mechanics through the Level Design. Julick was the programmer of the game too, Arthur Bertol create the concept art of the enemies and collectables, Luiz Henrique Miranda choose the sounds for the game and I art-finalized all the sprites.

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This quick project was for Engine for games and Physics for games classes in UFN. My objective was create a game using Contruct 2 as engine that uses some physical concept, in this case gravity.

Invert Ghost is a Multiplayer game that both players are ghosts and have to capture 5 souls before the opponent, but they can't fly or even jump, the only way they have to go higher is inverting their own gravity direction.

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Dungeon Lone is a Board Game developed for Game Design class in UFN. The project proposal was develop a board game inspired in a digital game. I decided to choose the game "Crypt of the Necrodancer" to create a Singleplayer dungeon crawler game based.

We had to create a prototype and record a video teaching the rules and playing one match of the game.

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This is the first game I've developed using the Construct 2 engine, this prototype was made for the Interface class in UFSM. My objective was create a game that blind people could play and that who isn't could be aware about the difficulties that people have.

Musical Blind Maze is a top-down maze that the player is a heart beating sound and have to reach the music source in the end of the level. Every wall the player touches makes a sound, simulating the touch of a surface.

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