Dungeon Lone


Dungeon Lone is a Board Game developed for Game Design class in UFN. The objective of the project was create a board game inspired in a digital one.

I chose the game Crypt of the Necrodancer to create my game because of this and the fact that I decided to make the game alone, I made a Singleplayer Dungeon Crawler game.

Games like Zombicide, Smallworld and Cheese was my inspiration to create the mechanics and components for the game.

I focused this development on the tests, since I was creating this game alone, I was able to iterate as many times as possible, in order to create solid mechanics for this game. In some low fidelity tests, some more detailed props was needed to test the mechanics properly, then I decided to make prototypes with more fidelity for this project.

We had about two months to finish a prototype and record a tutorial video of the game.


  • Name: Dungeon Lone

  • Release Date: December 05, 2017

  • Genre: Singleplayer, Dungeon Crawler


  • Digital Game Inspiration: Crypt of the Necrodancer

  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes

  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes

  • Supervisor: Iuri Lammel


  • Art: Procreate, Illustrator

Game Design

Due to the fact that the game is a singleplayer I had to find a way to create rules that allows the player to move the creatures without been unfair. Then I used the concept of monsters having a "hierarchical movement settings" of Zombicide with the movement scheme of Chess to create the Monsters behaviors. And I used a Zombicide-like rule to spawn the monster in the dungeon in the setup phase.

Dungeon Lone has a "Kill Chain" mechanic, that allows the player to use a free action after it kills a monster, this makes the combat more like a dynamic puzzle almost a "dance". This combat mechanic combined with the control that the player has of the monster movements, allows the player to create a big kill chain, killing almost every creature in the dungeon, creating other "layer" for the combat.

To prevent the player to abuse this kill chain, some monster has more than one Hit-point or is a "Chain Breaker" making impossible to the player uses them in its kill chain, forcing it to make better strategies through the game.

The bosses has some exclusives mechanics, like the "Ride", but the most important boss mechanic is the Necrodancer. Kill it is the objective of the game, in a normal playthrough you will always confront the Necrodancer in the third level of the dungeon but, he can spawns even in the first level, some item cards and monster cards is the "Necrodancer card" that automatically spawns he in the dungeon.

Other mechanic exclusively of the Necrodancer is that, he is the only monster that doesn't hurts the player directly, his action is summon more monsters to be its bodyguard.


I created the illustrations using the app Procreate for iPad Pro. The cards and the board I made using Adobe Illustrator. Dungeon Lone has Tiles, board and cards made by myself.


Cards Back

Treasure Cards


Prototype photos