Resgate Animal


Resgate Animal (or Animal Rescue in english) is a serious game about animal preservation developed for the Game Development class and Integrated Game Project class in UFN.

The objective of this project was to find some "client" (in our case the Professor Rosemar) to give us instructions and orientation in order to develop a serious game.

We decided to develop a platformer game with multiples playable characters, using games like Trine (2009) as inspiration, to let the player use animals of the Brazilian fauna to overcome its challenges. We get four animals with different abilities and weaknesses to force the player to switch between then to complete the levels.

The hazards in the levels is problems this animal has to overcome to survive in daily bases in real life, teaching the players this problems.

Inspiring in games like Pokémon (1996), we decided to create collectables cards with information of more animals in danger in Brazil (like the pokédex) to encourage the players to collect all of them and learn more about this animals.

We started the work in this project in August 2018, and had four months to finish this prototype.


  • Name: Resgate Animal
  • Release Date: December 5, 2018
  • Genre: Platformer
  • Engine: Construct 2
  • Platforms: HTML5


  • Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Programming: Rodrigo Marques
  • Level Design: Fagner Lemes
  • Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
  • Collectables: Reneu Morais
  • Sound Design: Reneu Morais
  • Planning: Fagner Lemes
  • Supervisor: Ricardo Frohlich, Cássio Lemos, Fabrício Tonetto & Rosemar Vestena
  • Font: Hubert & Fischer (Rubik)


  • Art: Procreate, FlipPad, Photoshop

Game Design

Resgate Animal is a multiple character platformer, so the hardest challenge was make a cast of protagonists that fits mechanic with each other and make all of them useful. The Professor told us to make a group of characters diversified, using not only mammals or reptiles for exemple, and even using not only terrestrial animals.

Then I made a list with the animals in danger of extinction in Brazil, and the hole group voted in their favorites animals that fits with the requirement of the project. The protagonist cast of animal chosen for the game was: Onça parda (puma), Gralha-azul (blue crow), Ema (emu) and Jacaré do papo amarelo (yellow caiman alligator).

My task in the fist steps of the project was create abilities and weaknesses for this animals thinking of what kind of hazards the levels must have.

Then I decided that the Puma is able to climb walls and hide, the Emu is able to break walls, the Blue crow can fly but que hunter can shoot him in the air and the alligator can swim but moves slowly in the ground.


I created the sprites for the game using primarily the app Procreate for iPad Pro. The app Flip Pad was used to create the animation's sketch of the characters and the Photoshop to create the gifs of animations and insert the font in the menu.



Blue Crow


Main Menu

Water Tile

Ground Tile

Burning Tree Tile

Hunter's body



