Arts & Culture Excursions 

Special Interest Group


Name: Jennifer Coplon and Marsha Semuels

Meeting Times/Dates: As scheduled

Contact information: and

Planning meetings are held via Zoom on the third Friday of the month at 9:00 am.  Please feel free to join us.

ZOOM Link for Meetings:  

Who We Are

This Special Interest Group was formed to plan group visits by BOLLI members to museums and cultural institutions, defined broadly.  All trips include lunch or refreshments with other BOLLI members.  In some cases, spouses and partners are also eligible. 

The purpose is to broaden our horizons by visiting sites that are beloved or are novel experiences and to provide an opportunity for BOLLI members to meet each other and interact in a small group.  Members of the SIG are responsible for finding places to visit, making private tour arrangements, arranging lunch, and collecting tour fees.  

This website contains information about trips planned currently as well as those being considered for future trips.  The website is updated as information becomes available.