Group Dances and Singing Games
Form: Verse Refrain V R trumpet interlude V R
Review actions found in the song:
- Step, slide, spin, tango, strut
- Turn on song and dance!
Stand in a circle, each person facing his/her partner.
- Verse: Do actions with the partner you are facing.
- Rafrain: When you hear, "It Don't Matter How You Dance," turn the opposite way, facing a different partner. Change directions each time you hear the phrase.
- Trumpet solo: volunteers dance freely in the middle of the circle.
Form: Intro A B A B
Intro: Students walk stately to their partners within the circle.
A-Heron: Children explore space using simple backwards step, "Step-together," as shown in this video clip.
B-Dove: Children "fly" around the room, moving forward, waving to one another.
Familiarize children with specific movements to this Arabic phrases as they accompany the lyrics.
Form: A B A B
A: Children travel, hand in hand, in clockwise motion
B: Children face partner and hop, one leg crossing in front of other and than alternating motion with other leg. Younger children, or kids learning for the first time, can jump with both feet instead.
Form: A B A C A B A (choro/rondo form)
A: Butterfly section-Children travel around room as though they are butterflies, returning to circle before next phrase.
B: Swimming section-Children do front stroke in clockwise motion and then backstroke, counter-clockwise, when phrase repeats.
C: Carnivale section-Child volunteers dance freely in center of circle as circle steps back and forth to beat in a stationary motion.