
"Kongolo," is Wilson Shitandi's choral setting of two Kenyan folk songs. The piece was performed by the IU Children's Choir's Chamber Choir, under the direction of Sarah Miller, with Sylvester Makobi on Ohangla drums.

Wilson Shitandi

Choral director, composer and arranger

Sylvester Makobi

Singer, drummer, and nyatiti player

IU Children's Choir

Children's choir for children ages 5-15

Interactive Ideas

A Section, Msichana: Children walk around room balancing bean bags or paper plates on head (much as Kenyan children in the song would balance baskets on their heads). As they walk around balancing, they shake hands and wave at one another.

B Section, Kongolo: Children begin to form a train, hands on hips. Train forms a circle. Once circle is complete, child "monster" tries to break through to center of train circle. Train tries to keep monster out of center.

A Section: Repeat Msichana section.

Kanga (East African textile).pptx

Slides provided by Tavy Aherne, 2019 K-6 Internationalization Summer Institute at Indiana University, June 6, 2019 at Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies.

Bloomingsong Project KONGOLO Complete.pdf