The Lark

"The Lark," composed by Henry Lawes, is performed by Erica Rubis on Viola Da Gamba and soprano, Kathryn Summersett.

"The Lark has two very important responsibilities. The first is to teach the young lark his lessons on how to sing and fly. Next, it sings to the king and queen."


Horned lark.mp3

Horned lark

The Lark, by Henry Lawes

(5 December 1595 – 21 October 1662)

Swift through the yielding air I glide, while night's sable shades abide:

Yet in my flight (though ne're so fast) I tune and time the wild winds blast:

And ere the sun be come about, teach the young lark his lesson out;

Who early as the day is born sings his shrill anthem to the rising morn:

Let never mortal lose the pains to imitate my aiery strains,

Whose pitch too high for human ears, was set me by the tuneful spheres.

I carol to the fairies' King, wakes him a-morning when I sing:

And when the sun stoops to the deep, rock him again and his fair Queen asleep.

Erica Rubis

Viola Da Gamba player and cellist

Kathryn Summersett

Soprano singer

Haran Kim

Print maker and media artist

Interactive Lessons

Dramatic Movement Activity (ages 9-16):

  • Give each pair of students a verse and its interpretation
  • Pair creates movement to accompany phrase
  • Pairs act out verse as it occurs in song.