Nebour Dang: Butterfly

"Nebour Dang," means "Butterfly," as spoken by the Dagara people. The Dagara people believe that the colors of the butterfly resemble the beauty of God. Bernard Woma performed this piece on his gyil.


Bernard Woma

Ghanaian master gyil player and drummer: Bernard Woma received master's degrees in African Studies and Ethnomusicology from IU. He has performed for U.S. president Bill Clinton, Queen Elizabeth 11, Nelson Mandela, and President Obama--teaching his daughters music and songs of Ghana.

His gyil concerto composition, "Gyil Nyog Me Na" in the spring of 2006, at Zankel Hall in Carnegie Hall, is a testimony of his musicianship. Bernard is the Artistic Director of the award winning Saakumu Dance Troupe and the founder and director of the Dagara Music and Arts Center in Accra.

The art for this piece was constructed by members of the Boys and Girls Club, under the direction of Nicole Moody.
