Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg was composed by Winnie Cheung and performed by Tamango members, Julia Shannon on violin and Winnie Cheung on piano.

"My song is my story — about a kayaker, paddling amidst icebergs. As she becomes self-aware, the world around her changes. Shocked, she paddles hard. She floats through and finds herself above water again: amidt icebergs, paddling through them." -Winnie

Introduction of "Tip of the Iceberg"

"Tip of the Iceberg"

Winnie Cheung

Tango pianist and composer

Julia Shannon

Tango violinist and arts administrator

Interactive Ideas

Practice the "kayak tango rhythm":

  • 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2

Kayak along Icebergs:

  • Listen to Winnie's explanation of "Tip of the Iceberg."
  • Imagine the animals you will come across...
  • Listen to the music: In the beginning, you are paddling: 1-2-3,1-2-3,1-2. Try to paddle around the icebergs as you make occassional animal sitings. Animals may startle you!
  • During the B section: You fall off of the kayak and are magically able to swim among the sea animals. What do you see? You might need to make your way back...
  • A section returns: You begin paddling once again.