Is your energy body balanced?

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Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit.

The chakras are energy centers that correlate with the major glands in our body.

Chakras are not a part of the physical body, but are subtle energy fields surrounding the activities of the body.

The 7 Chakras Changed My Life

Applying these ancient energy modalities into my life brought my body back to balance. My mind was restored.

I began to understand my emotions and how the affected my body. Most of all, I was reconnected my soul and spirit.

Using the chakras in my daily life has allowed me to stay off of medications and be free of all the illnesses I was struggling with.

When I began teaching how to use the chakras at The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, I realized it was a real passion and that I had a gift for understanding them and explaining them to others.

I believe that if everyone had a basic understanding of the chakra and elements, we could heal our world of chronic illness and mental illness in just a few years. Isn’t that exciting?

If you are reading this, you may not have an understanding of the chakras or how to use them in daily life. Never fear!

I have a simple breakdown provided below. This may help you determine if you need a chakra balancing session or education.

The chakras have a color and an element from nature that will guide your healing process.

Each chakra has qualities and characteristics that are unique. When imbalanced, dis-ease will set into a person’s system.

You Are Made Of Energy

A person’s energy field extends about 26 feet from the body and the chakras process and distribute that energy.

Understanding the chakras is like a guidebook to an enlightened way of thinking and being.

You are more aware of yourself and others on a mind/body/spirit level.

Life becomes easy, breezy...blissful.

The 5 Elements

I have a deep understanding of the 5 Elements.

Ether, Air, Fire, Water & Earth

I use that knowledge in combination with the chakras to help my clients break free.

Understanding the basic concepts of the chakras and the elements allows you to stay healthy, balanced and BLISSFUL!

The elements are easy to learn! Children and teens enjoy using the colors, music, activities and foods that go with each element and chakra.

When clients come to me for a Chakra Balancing, we use a combination of coaching, assessment, hypnotherapy and education.

This combination allows my clients to balance their chakras in my office AND keep them balanced on a daily basis. I do not do table work (bodywork) in my chakra balancing, although that is a technique that can be used and is most common.

Each client’s needs will be different depending on what chakras are blocked and what goals they are seeking to achieve.

I have found that it is important to make the chakras simple to understand. This makes it easy for clients to apply their knowledge in daily life.

What Chakras Do You Feel You Are Struggling with Right Now?

See My Easy to Understand Breakdown of the Chakras Below

Root Chakra

Also known as the first chakra or the base chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine.

The color that activates this chakra is red and the element is Earth. This chakra supports our basic survival and safety needs, which are food, reproduction and shelter.

We have gotten so far away from nature that the root chakra now includes our homes, cars, career, financial situation and sex life.

This chakra is usually the first to go out of balance. It is easy to see how, considering the fast pace world we now live in as a society.

Once this chakra is out of balance, the other chakras will follow. Some will become overactive to compensate for the under-active chakra. The balance of your chakras can change minute to minute.

With poverty, sexual exploitation in the media, and GMO foods, we have a lot do as a race to balance this chakra.

Sacral Chakra

Also known as the second chakra or the water chakra.

This chakra is located below the navel just above the genitals.

The color that activates this chakra is orange and the element is Water.

This chakra is our relationship center and supports connections and our empathetic self. It activates our feeling chakra and regulates our relationships as well as our sexual energy.

Struggles with codependency and addictions begin in this chakra. Since our society does not honor the sacred feminine anymore, this chakra suffers greatly on a daily basis.

If you struggle to take care of yourself, this chakra will become imbalanced quickly.

Solar Plexus

Also known as the third chakra or the power chakra.

This chakra is located at the apex of the diaphragm at the solar plexus.

The color that activates this chakra is yellow and the element is Fire.

This chakra houses our personal power and is the first chakra where a person’s individuality comes into play.

This chakra rules your determination and drive in life, as well as your confidence and integrity. An over-inflated ego or feelings of being a victim are common if this chakra is out of balance.

Feelings of contentment and trust are also regulated by this chakra. The energy that radiates from this chakra is the most consistent of all the chakras.

Heart Chakra

Also known as the 4th chakra and the heart center.

This chakra is located in your chest above the breast area.

The color that activates this chakra is green and the element is Air.

This chakra houses our love and worthiness. The heart holds our guilt and shame, as well as all of the losses we experience in life.

If you struggle with judgement or criticism of self or others, this chakra may be out of balance.

When a person needs to forgive and let go, they are working with the Heart Chakra.

The creative flow that allows us to express ourselves with love will be blocked if this chakra is out of balance.

Throat Chakra

Also known as the 5th chakra or truth center.

This chakra is located in your throat.

The color that activates this chakra is blue and the element is Ether, or space.

The Throat Chakra rules our communication; both listening and hearing.

Since most of us experience some form of censorship as children and are often told how to speak and feel, inner child work is a big part of healing the throat chakra.

People who have chronic sore throats, strep or thyroid issues are usually struggling struggling with this chakra.

If you have blocks to creativity or expressing yourself, healing your throat chakra will set your truth free.

The Third Eye

Also known as the 6th chakra or the All Seeing Eye.

This chakra is located between the eyebrows and is connected to the pituitary gland.

The color that activates this chakra is indigo and the element is also Ether.

This chakra rules your intuition and is the seat of your knowing. This is an internal process. The chakra has control over seeing the unseen and higher planes.

Intuitive seeing, clairvoyance abilities and other energetic gifts flow easily when this chakra is balanced. If it is out of balance, you may experience mental illness, seizures, migraines and symptoms of mania or PTSD.

Most of us are not taught to trust our intuition and shut it down for fear of being judged or seen as crazy. Reactivating this chakra can help you connect to the knowing you have always had.

Crown Chakra

Also known as the 7th chakra or the Spirit Center.

This chakra is located at the crown of the head and is our connection to Spirit.

The color that activates this chakra is violet and the element is Ether. This chakra houses our destiny and Divine Purpose.

If you feel you have lost your way or are not sure why you are here on this planet, this chakra may be blocked.

Opening up this chakra in a healthy way will help you receive all the messages the Divine Creator has for you.

Higher Self work and meditation are the key to keeping this chakra balanced.

People that struggle with spiritual issues, suicidal ideations, psychological problems and insomnia are struggling with an imbalance in this chakra.

Struggling with your religious beliefs or losing faith in a Higher Power are common experiences when the crown chakra is blocked.

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