Building a DSC2 DSD only DAC.


PWBs and 74AHCT595's were given to me from someone at diyaudio.  595's should be old Philips or NXPs which are hard to find these days

From Newark


From Proto Advantage, connectors for resistor boards.  Reversed so male is on resistor board, female on main board

HDR127MET80M-G-V-TH  male connector.   Board was a little thick so had to use a spare board to spread pics (short side) so would fit onto resistor board

HDR127MET80F-G-V-SM female for main board

From diyinhk

NDK NZ2520SDA 49.152Mhz 

NDK NZ2520SDA 45.1584Mhz

From Aliexpress

Yellow output transformer  or black transformer

Amanero usb-dsd board

from Twisted Pear Audio

From Mouser:

From Newark