Debian Buster

I had a working Debian stretch, but the version supported had problems with my motherboard ethernet port so I decided to try the Buster version 10.1

Downloaded debian-10.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso and write to a stick using Etcher.

Boot from usb stick, then did "install" (not graphical install)

Answered a few questions

Manual partition, used entire disk

separate partitions for var, tmp, home... (last option)

Setup network mirror

After installing debian, reboot and login as root

Fix Update

To make update work, I had to go find this file /etc/apt/sources.list

cd /etc/apt

check directory and make sure sources.list is there

nano sources.list

I use nano to edit. Edit the file and add # to start of line (comment out) that starts with "deb cdrom" because debian wanted a cd rom to do an update.

Set up sudo

Start becoming superuser with


Enter your root password.

Now, install sudo with

apt-get install sudo
apt-get install --fix-missing sudo

Do the following to disable password prompt for a user, must be done from PC as root.

Edit the file /etc/sudoers to add line like these, use visudo to edit

cd /etc
visudo sudoers

Added this line to the end, where randy is the user:



Add the user account to the group sudo with:

adduser username sudo. Where username is your user account.


now go to remote PC, start ssh program, then login as the user

Make sure debian is up to date

sudo apt-get -y update 
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade 
sudo apt-get -y install linux-image-rt-amd64

From this directory, get latest files and install like below:

Note: The wget commands take a little while, it looks frozen but will finish, be patient.

sudo apt-get -y install libglib2.0-0 libflac8 libasound2 libasound2-data libgomp1 rygel alsa-utils

Note that the libgmpris package has been also rebuilt for Buster. So if you upgrade, remember to upgrade that too!