The German team

The Gymnasium Bad Aibling is a public secondary school providing general education.  It is located in Bad Aibling, Bavaria, Germany.

Pupils aged from 10 to 18/19 can choose between focusing on a maths/science sector or modern language sector. It`s a so-called "Seminarschule" offering seminars/training to young teachers. There are about 130 teachers (including 24 trainee teachers) and over 900 pupils. The school is situated in a complex of two further schools (Realschule and Wirtschaftsschule). They all share a common playground. So there are about 3000 pupils.

In 2013 the Gymnasium adopted the title "School against racism - School with civil courage" stating the school´s priority to work on tolerance and intercultural understanding. 

From 2015 to 2017 the school successfully coordinated an Erasmus+ Project called "Colours of Europe" and additionally from 2018 to 2020 the school coordinated an Erasmus+ Project called "Europe on Air". Currently the school again coordinates an Erasmus+ Project called "Arts for Future". 

The Gymnasium Bad Aibling focuses on opening up on a European level and promoting European values which are manifested in the school´s agenda. A new "EuropaKlasse" started in 2019 in which European matters are focused on. European ideas/values among young people are promoted. Pupils report on its European Partner Schools, talk, discuss and learn about Europe and the different cultures.

Project coordinator: Christina Ramola.


The Gymnasium Bad Aibling 

The centre of Bad Aibling

The French team

LPO CAUCADIS is a private vocational and technology high school under contract located in Vitrolles, a town halfway between Aix en Provence and Marseilles.

Caucadis is a human-sized school with 440 students and 60 teachers. The students are aged from 15 to 20 years old, and they are prepared to take different diplomas: NVQ, Professional Baccalaureate, Technology Baccalaureate and BTS. The different fields of education proposed are Transport and Logistics, Administrative work, and Health Services.

As Caucadis is a small school, the educational team likes taking time to welcome the students so that they can gradually fit in and make the school theirs. Teachers and the school staff help them gain confidence, value their efforts, and accompany them all through their school years. Aiming for the students’ fulfilment within their school years and in their future professional world, the Caucadis school caters to cultivating the students’ social skills as well as their know-how skills. 

Project contact person: Bounnong Bacam



Beautiful staircase made by students

The Swedish team

Hålabäcksskolan is located near the centre of Kungsbacka town.

The town, Kungsbacka, is situated on the Swedish west coast some 30 km from the second city of Sweden – Gothenburg. By commuter train,  it takes 25 minutes to the city centre.

There are nearby lakes, rivers, forests and the sea and Kungsbacka is a popular summer town with a lot of recreation areas and beaches.

Kungsbacka itself has around 90 000 inhabitants. 

Regarding the Hålabäcksskolan, there are currently 230 students. Their ages vary between 10 to 16 years old. However, the school is undergoing a huge renovation project to expand its capacity. Subsequently, the estimated number of pupils will be around 520 in the coming years. 

The school has a handball profile in every grade from grades 6 to 9.

There are several athletic spots giving the students the opportunity to practice soccer, handball, horseback riding, ice hockey and floorball.

The students' backgrounds are very divided since parts of the area around the school are socio-economic weak areas.

The school's curriculum supports 17 subjects including home economics, arts and crafts, and woodwork.

Project contact person: Kristoffer Simonsson



Bird's eye view

The Spanish team

The school IES Tirant Lo Blanc is in Elche, a city on the coast of Alicante, Spain, with more than 230.000 inhabitants. 

There are more than 900 students enrolled and 100 teachers in the school. 

The school offers Compulsory Secondary Education courses, Baccalaureate and Basic Vocational Training. The vocational training has two cycles: (i) Kitchen and Restoration and Office Computing, and (ii) Higher Level Vocational Training of Accommodation and Tourism. The tourism section includes Guide, Tourist Information and Assistance, Travel Agencies and Event Management and, Tourist Accommodation Management.

The school IES Tirant Lo Blanc has a long experience in Erasmus projects. It received the Secondary Education Quality Award in 2018 for the project “Lessons for the present, lessons for the future” and it is an Accredited Erasmus centre since 2021.

Project contact person: Paco Fernández Carreño 


The Greek team

3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi is a typical Greek public school located in Galatsi, a residential area of Athens, Greece’s capital.

It offers general upper secondary education and follows the compulsory Greek curriculum centrally specified, which aims to gradual in-depth understanding and specialization in several cognitive fields. 

Its teaching personnel are 20 teachers of basic cognitive fields such as Mathematics, Physics, Literature, etc. The average population of 250 students is either facilitated into being prepared for entrance exams to universities or accessing the labour market.

Aiming to the multifaceted development of the students, which is not possible while following the compulsory curriculum, the school organizes after-school activities. From the establishment of the school in 1989 up to nowadays the school realized numerous national and international projects gearing towards broadening students’ knowledge, cultivating skills and expressing themselves through arts.

Project contact person: Dimitra Rimpa


3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi

The Croatian team

The Gospordarska Skola Varazdin is a vocational school located in Varazdin, a picturesque town in the northwestern part of Croatia. 

The school has 850 students, 107 teachers and 19 non-educational staff. The students are divided into 44 classes. The school has 4 fields of education: Economy, trade, administration and tourism and hospitality.

Project contact person: Renata Madaric


The Gospordarska Skola Varazdin

The castle of Varazdin