The work on the tapestry is starting Monday the 24th of April.

Tuesday was visitingday in Gothenburg and Universeum. We got a lecture in how vizualisation can help us understand climatchange. The rainforest is one area we really need to protect. They are the lungs of the world.

Swedish students have made clothes out of trash. Our firends from abroad checked them out. We also had a flea-market were you could bring two items and take two items with you. We need to recycle, upcycle instead of always buying new!

The local newspaper acknowledged our work.

Fridays event was another visit to Gothenburg: Street Art Gothenburg - a walk in the city finding great street art. 

While in Gothenburg we also took the opportunity to see our pretty city from the seaside. A boattrip with Paddan, The Toad. 

We also joined Greta Thunbergs organisation Fridays for Future and made a statement in Gustav Adols Torg in Gothenburg.  The signs we made the previous day at school.

Final evening: Pizza, snacks and a lot of dancing. Greek folkmusic, Croatian dances, Macarena and more!

And the final outcome: So proud of everyone and the effort we all put in together to create a tapestry that was stunning. 

From left to right: German , French, Spanish, Greek and Croatian sketches.