Project Implementation

The original plan was to implement the project in two consecutive school years, starting in September 2021. However, it was extended for an extra year due to the pandemic and will end in August 2023. 

Although the pandemic disrupted the project's workflow, during the lockdowns and the restrictions on people's movement, the partners communicated regularly and organized several online activities.  During this period and throughout our project we have taken several Extra initiatives to address our project's topics regardless of those officially planed in the original application delivered to the European Union's Erasmus+ programme.

As soon as it was safe / allowed to travel, the partners enriched their partnership with mobilities to partners' organisations. Under the topic: Implementation we document how we addressed the 6 Project topics our project includes.  

Last but not least, the partners catered to disseminate the partnership to their educational community. The dissemination activities are documented in the subsequent section: Partnership Dissemination.  

Project Topics

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to Spain 

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to Croatia

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to Greece

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to France

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to Sweden

Activities organised in the context of the mobilitity to Germany

Extra Initiatives

Activities organised during the pandemic

Everyday tips for a sustainable life published by the Greek team to their school's website





Partnership Dissemination