The meeting in Galatsi, Athens, Greece

16th - 22nd October 2022.

3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi organised the meeting in Greece. This meeting's motto was “We Talk - We act”, so the meeting’s agenda focused on promoting sustainability through art, primarily through the contemporary art form of graffiti.

Many asynchronous and synchronous online discussions took place before the meeting so that partners prepared adequately for graffiti creation. The French, Spanish and German Art teachers took the initiative to propose some prototype artworks for consideration. The partners negotiated the graffiti’s proportions, what to depict and what materials to use. Unlike the typical graffiti made with aerosol spray paints, the partners aiming to promote sustainability opted to use ecological paints and recycled paper. Although the original plan described in the application was to make the graffiti in a public space within the Galatsi municipality, the Greek team suggested making the graffiti inside the Greek school. The rationale of this suggestion was to promote sustainability within the school community and preserve it for forthcoming student generations instead of having this graffiti in a public space open to vandalism.  

The meeting agenda was as follows:

Sunday, 16th October 2022

On this day, the partners travelled from their countries to Galatsi. All teams flew to El. Venizelos international airport of Athens. Upon arrival, the students were picked up by Greek students and their families and left for Galatsi, an urban suburb of Athens located around 10km from the city centre. As it had been pre-scheduled in our program's agenda, Greek families hosted all the students from the visiting teams. At the same time, the teachers stayed at a hotel in the centre of Athens near the Monastiraki area. 

The remaining day was free for the students to get acquainted with the hosting families. The teachers walked around the city centre for basic orientation and had dinner to warm up their acquaintances.

Monday, 17th October 2022

We spent all day at the Athens centre visiting the significant landmarks. First, we visited the Panathenaic stadium. We had a welcome ceremony within the stadium complex and had the chance to do ice-breaking activities in the stadium arena!  Then we headed to the Acropolis museum, where we split into national groups, and the Greek students guided the partners in the museum. The Greek team had prepared a scavenger hunt within the museum so that the partners playfully see the exhibits. Then, we fulfilled every traveller's dream by visiting Acropolis hill.  On our way to Propylea, the main entrance of the Acropolis, we saw the Theatre of Dionysus and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Then we admired the Parthenon, the enduring symbol of Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy, western civilisation and one of the world's most significant cultural monuments!

Tired but full of everlasting memories, we walked towards the Monastiraki area. On our way, we had the chance to spot several good and bad practices of reusing old buildings. Thus, we spotted sustainable practices in architecture! 

The evening was free for everyone, so students returned to Galatsi. The teachers strolled around Plaka, the old historical neighbourhood of Athens, clustered around the northern and eastern slopes of the Acropolis.

Tuesday, 18th October 2022

In the morning, teachers and students met at 3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi. The Greek team organised a welcome ceremony in which they presented their city Galatsi and the Greek educational system. The headmaster, Mr Kostas Siemos, and Mayor George Markopoulos gave short speeches. The Greek team presented graffiti artworks around Greece, their forms and themes, as a prelude to graffiti creation.  

Afterwards, three parallel workshops took place. The first workshop involved creating graffiti that promotes sustainability. It was created along one of the school’s corridors. The second workshop involved recycling by making soap out of used olive oil at the school chemistry lab. And the third workshop involved working in the school’s computer lab to enrich our project’s website and social media accounts with information about our schools, our dissemination practices and our activities in the project context. As these workshops lasted several hours, we had a lunch break at noon. We experienced the epitome of Greek hospitality: lunch with traditional Greek food prepared and offered by Greek parents and teachers. In the afternoon, we concluded our workshops and the rest of the day was free.

Wednesday, 19th October 2022

Early in the morning, we departed for a two-day trip from Athens. Our first stop was in the coastal town of Elefsina, designated as the European Capital of Culture for 2023, to explore its archaeological site. The Greek team informed the partners that within its area developed the cult of goddess Dimitra, associated with cultivating land, vegetation, and fertility, and her daughter, Persephone, related to the regeneration of nature and life.

Then, we headed to Epidaurus to visit its ancient theatre, a renowned monument included in UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list as part of the Sanctuary of Asclepius, the god of medicine for the ancient Greeks. There, some Greek students performed a short excerpt from a Greek tragedy! 

In the afternoon, we arrived at our final destination: the coastal Nafplio town, where we all stayed overnight in a hotel. 

Thursday, 20th October 2022

After enjoying our breakfast, we visited Palamidi, the Venetian fortress overlooking the Naflpio town, and then we strolled around the old town. Also, we were informed about sustainability in the maritime and tourism industry by using eco-friendly fuel sources, reducing waste and pollution to preserve natural resources and promoting marine life conservation. 

In the afternoon, we departed toward Athens and stopped along the road to the Corinth canal to see how it serves a sustainable short-sea shipping transport system.

Friday, 21st October 2022

In the morning, teachers and students met at 3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi. They joined classes, interacted with Greek teachers and students, and exchanged learning and teaching practices. Then, the teachers had a long meeting to organise future tasks. The students and some art teachers worked on finalising the graffiti. Finally, we organised an exhibition of  buildings’ reusability. Each partner contributed to this exhibition some representative good and bad practices regarding the use and maintenance of historical monuments as well as the coexistence of ancient and modern buildings in their countries. This exhibition triggered fruitful discussions about different and similar practices and remains available for exploration to the Greek school’s educational community. 

In the afternoon, participants filled in the meeting’s evaluation questionnaire; we organised a farewell ceremony and awarded certificates of participation. We had a farewell party. What better way to end the meeting than dancing?

Saturday, 22nd October 2022

According to their departure time, guests returned to their home countries, thanking Greek hosts for their hospitality. Parting of Greek hosts and their guests inevitably had some emotional moments. This project meeting was, by all means, a lifetime experience!