The meeting in Elche, Spain

2nd - 6th May, 2022.

The meeting in Elche was hosted by IES Tirant Lo Blanc teachers and students and was focused on recycling and sustainability. 

For months before the meeting our students prepared frames to be painted with recycled materials and printed tote bags for the rest of the students from the other countries. They worked hard collecting materials from the school students and printing the bags with stamps and stencils created by themselves.

When our partners in the projects arrived, we enjoyed a week full of activities that had its peak with the “painting” with recycled materials. The students has a great time creating the paintings, and the outcome was great.

Afterwards, we had a break with a lunch prepared and served by the vocational training students of the school. Then the students joined different activities like the social media workshop and attendance to classes at the school. After another brief break we had an introduction of the main activity of the mobility, the painting with recycled materials, which would be on Thursday.

The day at the school ended with lunch and traditional games of each country. The students had free time in the evening with their Spanish partners who showed them the city. 

Monday, 2nd May 2022

The mobility officially started with a performance about contamination and the possibility of a greener future by our dramatic arts students, guided by Candela Martínez, and a speech by our headmistress Laura Paco and our project coordinator Paco Fernandez. They spoke about the importance of the Erasmus program, our need to recycle and what sustainability means for our future. After them, Mr. Beer, headmaster of the Gymnasium Bad Aibling, inspired us with a speech about the true meaning and implications of the Erasmus programs and its importance for a united European school system and its students.

Next, we had a presentation by the students and teachers of each participant country with an introduction to their schools. This part concluded with the German team showing an overview of the project, defining and linking it with various dimensions and the environmental and social consequences of sustainability.

Tuesday, 3rd May 2022

The day took off with the Swedish team doing a sustainability workshop about the carbon footprint we leave. After that we left the school for a visit to the city center organized by our Tourism vocational training students. They guided us through the main sites, visiting the palm grove, where we learned about the date collecting. Then we headed to the Basilica through downtown and climbed to the top of the tower, where we had the best sights of the city.  After lunch at the biggest park in Elche, we had a workshop at L’Escorxador, a community artistic centre. There we made recycled paper and paper pots and had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, 4th May 2022

On the third day, we travelled to Valencia to visit the historic centre. Another team of Tourism vocational training students guided us from the Serrano towers through the charming streets, where a lot of great graffiti and street art was displayed, the Gothic places and the market, where we had the opportunity to buy fresh fruit and sweets. For lunch, we went to Albufera natural park, a trip under the rain that ended with enjoying a tasty paella.

In the afternoon we enjoyed the film Oceans in the cinema IMAX l’Hemisferic in the city of Arts and science.

Thursday, 5th May 2022

The day started with the main event of the week, the painting with recycled objects. The students were divided into five groups which had to recreate a famous painting with the materials collected for months by the students of the school. The activity took place at what we call the Nature classroom, outside of the buildings of the school. The groups had a great time glueing the pieces into the canvases, and enjoying the great weather we had. While the activity kept going on, some of the students went to a local street market near the school to buy groceries grown in the countryside near the city, learning how to buy in a sustainable way. The painting activity lasted till lunchtime, and the outcome was amazing. Great paintings were done by the students.

Friday, 6th May 2022

The last day started with the kids attending lessons with our students while the teachers had a meeting. Then we had the closing ceremony and the last activity, planting the recycled paper we made on Tuesday to grow some seeds and the exchange of homemade postcards by the students with wishes for the future. Then we had lunch prepared again by our vocational training students and some games about the mediterranean diet.

That was the end of an unforgettable week full of great moments for both students and teachers.
