The final meeting in Bad Aibling, Germany

7th - 13th Mai, 2023

On the first day (Monday, 8th) students were welcomed with a festive ceremony. Students got to know each other with portraits they presented. The students were also given a guided tour of the school and the city. This was done by the students of the Europe class. The guests also visited the art gallery to see the exhibition of the Ucrainian artist Aleksandra Klitina. In the afternoon all nations worked together on the final artifact "The Wave".

 Later a workshop on how to create our common website was given in cooperation by the German and Greek IT teachers. In the evening a dance competition was organized by the German students as an ice breaking activity. 

On the next day (Tuesday, 9th) the students were given the chance to get into contact with nature by going up the mountain "Wendelstein". From there a cabin brought them to the "Wasmeier" Museum for two major workshops on sustainable living (making your own butter, weaving with old fabric) and a digitally guided tour with their own devices. In the meantime some German teachers and students set up the final exhibition in the art gallery. 

The following day (Wednesday, 10th) the teachers and students went by train to Salzburg. Students of the Europe class functioned as guides and talked about the city and its cultural and artistic highlights. 

On the next day (Thursday, 11th) everybody went to Rosenheim by train to see some of the graffiti created by internatonal artists during the Street Art Festival in the years before. In the afternoon the Ukrainian artist Aleksandra Klitina met the students for an Art Talk in the art gallery in Bad Aibling. Then the official vernissage was launched by the international coordinator, the headmaster of the Gynasium Bad Aibling and the mayor of the city. Lists for bidding on the artifacts were handed out and the money raised was given to the "Bund Naturschutz Rosenheim e.V. as a donation on local projects.

Later in the evening the students and teachers were given a Bavarian dance workshop by German students who are members of the local "Trachtenvereine". A Bavarian evening with food and music with all host families concluded the festive evening. 

On the last day (Friday, 12th) the students were taken to Munich and given a guided tour by the German headmaster. The German art teacher took the students and teachers to MUCEM (Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art Munich). In the museum the German art teacher brought the students together to discuss the art visible.