The meeting in Kungsbacka, Sweden

23ed - 29th April, 2023.

Saturday 22nd of April the Spanish team arrived and the studnets were picked up by their hosts. Sunday 23rd of April the German, French and Greek teams arrived and the Swedish hosts met their guests at the train station. Monday 24th of April the Croatian team arrived and came directly to Hålabäcksskolan.

After lunch the work with the tapestry began. The students were divided into five groups with representation from each country. Templets were laid out, fabrics were cut and everyone participated. The work continued until three o´clock (15:00) when all students went by foot to Kungsbacka bowlinghall for more common student activity

Monday, 24th April 2023

Welcoming in the hall by the schools headmasters, Jerry Spekal and Eva Ring, and the Swedish team. Followed by a tour around the school with Swedish students and teachers as guides.

After a short break ” getting-to-know-each-other activities took place in the PE-department led by PE.teacher Carl-Magnus Strömberg.

Tuesday, 25th April 2023

Students and teachers met at the commutertrain station for a trip to Gothenburg. First stop was Universeum, an educational center focusing on nature, environment and science. We were given a lecture called Vislab, meaning digitalisation is the key for the future. Research data meets visualisation technology to enable a better understanding of the world and how everything is interconnected.  We were shown different scenarios due to global warming about population rates, temperatures and flooding.The students got some tasks to solve in groups. After that the students visited the different exhibitions including the rainforest area and the aquarium.

Second stop was The World Cultural Museum. A pedagog met us and held a lecture about water. We learned about the amount of water needed to produce certain clothes, food and beverages. Again the students were given questions to answer in groups.

Wednesday, 26th April 2023

We started the day in the schools auditorium were Swedish students held a lecture about the history of Swedish textile industry. All students were also able to look at a small exibition of upcycled and recycled clothes made of waste.

The remaining part of the day everyone worked with the tapestry to get it ready for hanging in the school corridor.

Thursday, 27th April 2023

The final touch on the tapestry was made and it was mounted on one of the walls in the corridor.

Some students were creating placards for the manifestation with Fridays For Future the next day in Gothenburg. This task was not compulsary but voluntary.

Students made signs for the ”Flea-market” bring two, take two. (Clothes) Some students collected all the clothes and handed out tickets.

Interviews and filmmaking took place about the tapestry-work.

The Flea-market opened in the afternoon and most students found something to bring back home.

In the afternoon all the teachers had a meeting to discuss what we so forth have achieved. We also discussed the evaluations made by students and teachers so far, and what areas of improvement that had been done.

Friday, 28th April 2023

We took the commutertrain to Gothenburg in the morning and went on a tram to the startingpoint of our Street Art-tour. Gothenburg has 107 pieces of artwork, from murals to sculptures. The walk took 90 minutes and landed us in the city centre. After lunch we all embarked the sightseeing boat The Toad to see Gothenburg from a totally different side on the canals that surround the city.

After the boattrip, that lasted one hour, we all walked down to Gustav Adolfs-square. The students who wanted, participated with their placards in a manifestation together with Fridays For Future.

Later on, in the evening, the farewell-party was held in the auditorium of Hålabäcksskolan. Everyone had pizza and snacks and softdrinks. And there was a lot of dancing.

 Certificates were awarded all students and teachers.

.Saturday 29th: Departure for the participants from Greece, Spain, France and Germany.

Sunday 30th: Departure for the participants from Croatia.

And that concluded the mobility in Kungsbacka, Sweden.