Karl Kraus: Tourist Trip to Hell. 1920.

Karl Kraus (1874-1936) was a Jewish-Austrian writer and journalist. He directed his satire at the press, German culture, and German and Austrian politics. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature three times.

This short text was written by Karl Kraus in 1920, a year after the Second World War ended. It was translated into English by Frederik Ungar in 1977, in the Book No Compromise. Selected Writings by Karl Kraus

I have in my hands a  document[ref]An advertisement in the Basel ( Switzerland) newspaper Basler Nachrichten, the bulk of which is quoted on the following pages.[/ref] that surpasses  and seals the shame of this age, and would warrant assigning a place of honor in a cosmic boneyard to this money-hungry mess that calls itself mankind. If ever a newspaper clipping meant a clipping of creation-here we face the utter certainty that a generation to which such solicitations could be directed no longer has any better instincts to be violated.

After the enormous collapse of the pretense of culture, and after the nations have proved by their actions that their rela­tionship to anything in the realm of the spirit is of the most shameless deception - perhaps good enough to further the tourist trade but never sufficient to raise the moral level of this mankind - nothing is left but the naked truth of mankind's condition, which has almost reached a point where it is no longer able to lie. In no portrait could it recognize itself as well as in this one.


Arranged  by the Basler  Nachrichten

Tourist trips from September 25 to October 25 at  the reduced price of 117 francs

Unforgettable impressions. No passport necessary

To register just fill out the questionnaire.

Especially recommended for a Fall trip!

600 kilometers by rail, second class. An entire day through the battlefields in a comfortable car, overnight stay, first-class meals, wine, coffee, tips, passport formalities and visas from Basel round trip, all included in the price of 117 Swiss francs.

"... the trip through the battlefield of Verdun conveys to the visitor the quin­tessence of the horror of modern warfare. It is not only the  French who consider this a battlefield par excellence, on which the gigantic struggle between France and Germany was ultimately decided. No other battlefield of the West will make as deep an impression on anyone who sees this part of the front, with Fort Vaux and Fort Douamont in the center. If the entire war cost  France 1,400,000  dead,  almost one-third of them were killed in that sec­tor of Verdun comprising a few square kilometers, and the German losses were more than double. In that small sector, where perhaps more than 1,500,000  bled to death, there is no square centimeter not rutted by shells. Afterwards, one drives through the area of the Argonne and Somme battles, walks through the ruins of Reims, and returns via St. Mihiel and through the Priester Woods; all this is only a mere run-through of details which, at Verdun, combine to create an unbe­lievably impressive picture of horror and frightfulness ...  "

Everyone who inquires receives a printed guide listing the detailed itinerary for the trip and all necessary information. Trips depart every day. Comfortable seating is guaranteed to every participant.

A large number of letters of praise and appreciation from people who have taken the trip is available at our office.

But what does it mean, this picture of horror and frightfulness revealed by one day at Verdun - what does it mean, this most gruesome spectacle of bloody delirium through which the  na­tions let themselves be dragged to no purpose whatsoever, com­pared with the enormity of this ad!  Is the mission of the press not revealed here - first to lead mankind to the battlefields and then the survivors?