¡A new species of the scorpion genus Troglotayosicus (Troglotayosicidae) from Colombian Amazon!

Moreno-González et al. (2024) described and published a new species of the until-now endemic ArachnoTrAC scorpion family and genus Troglotayosicus (Troglotayosicidae) from Colombia! This species raise the number  of known species to seven, three from Ecuador (T. vachoni, T. muranunkae and T. ballvei) and four from Colombia (T. humiculum T. hirsutus T. meijdeni and T. akaido)! More on Scorpions!

¡Four new tarantulas from Ecuador!

Peñareherrera-R. et al. (2024) described and published four new species of the until-now endemic ArachnoTrAC tarantula genus Cymbiapophysa (Theraphosidae) from Ecuador! In addition, the authors  published new taxonomic comments and interpretations based on the male palp morphology! More on Spiders!

¡First record of the theridiid spider genus Audifia from Bolivia!

In a recent work published by Lopes (2024) on the comb-footed myrmecomorph spider genus Audifia (Theridiidae), the authors recorded for the first time A. laevithorax from the department of Beni, Bolivia, being this record also the first one of this genus for the ArachnoTrAC! More on Spiders!

¡Taxonomic revision of the wolf spider genus Arctosa!

Paredes et al. (2024) in a monograph on neotropical wolf spiders of the genus Arctosa (mainly) but also making taxonomic changes on Trochosa or Prolycosides, describes seven new species, five of which are now known from the ArachnoTrAC! Additionally, the authors review numerous new synonyms as well as transfers, helping to further clarify the taxonomic history of Neotropical wolf spiders! More on Spiders!

¡New taxonomic data on the jumping spider genus Tullgrenella!

In a recent taxonomic revisionary work, Marta and colleagues (2024), the authors review the genus of jumping spiders Tullgrenella (Salticinae: Aelurillini) for the Neotropical region, describing three new species from Brazil and recording for the first time T. morenensis (type species of the genus) for the ArachnoTrAC and Bolivia! Thus we went from four species to five registered species of Tullgrenella from tropical Andean countries! More on Spiders!

¡Two new tarantulas from Peru!

A recent work published by Sherwood & Gabriel (2024) describes two new species of tarantulas of the genus Thrixopelma (Theraphosidae) from Peru, increasing the country's known species to nine! This genus is restricted almost exclusively to Peru, although there is one species known from Ecuador! More on Spiders!

¡New taxonomic revision of the titanoecid spider genus Goeldia!

In a recent taxonomic review work by Almeida-Silva & Brescovit (2024), the authors review the spider genus Goeldia (Titanoecidae) for the neotropical region, describing seven new species, two of which are now known from ArachnoTrAC! Thus we went from three species to eight registered species of Goeldia for the tropical Andean countries! More on Spiders!

¡New taxonomic data on the neotropical jumping spider genus Chira!

Marta et al. (2024) in their recently published paper on Neotropical Chira Peckham & Peckham (Salticidae), updates the taxonomy of some of its species, illustrating them in high quality, useful for taxonomic determinations of some of these species which are known from the ArachnoTrAC! More on Spiders!

¡Spiders of Xieti Natural Reserve, Lake Tota, Colombia!

A new Local Catalog has been published dealing with the spider fauna of the Xieti Natural Reserve, Lake Tota, central-eastern Boyacá, Colombia! This is the number 3 of a series of local catalogs published by the project Arañas de Colombia, by ArachnoTrAC! This new catalog includes about 50 spider species in 15 families, all illustrated with more than 200 fotographs! More on Spiders of Colombia!

¡Spiders of Sutú Avifauna Reserve, Mistrató, Colombia!

A new Local Catalog has been published dealing with the spider fauna of the Sutú Avifauna Reserve, Mistrató, northern Risaralda, Colombia! This is the number 2 of a series of local catalogs published by the project Arañas de Colombia, by ArachnoTrAC! This new catalog includes more than 120 spider species in more than 20 families, all illustrated with more than 350 fotographs! More on Spiders of Colombia!

!Spiders of Upper San Juan river, northern Risaralda, Colombia!

A new Local Catalog has been published dealing with the spider fauna of the upper San Juan river, northern Risaralda, Colombia! This is the number 1 of a series of local catalogs published by the project Arañas de Colombia, by ArachnoTrAC! This new catalog includes more than 200 spider species in more than 25 families, all illustrated with more than 500 fotographs! More on Spiders of Colombia!

¡A new stabbing spider (Araneidae: Taczanowskia) from Ecuador!

Díaz-Guevara et al. (2024) described and published a new stabbing spider of the genus Taczanowskia (Araneidae) from amazonian ecosystems of northeatern Ecuador! This species, is the second to be described from the country and the fifth in the complete ArachnoTrAC region, from seven currently known species in the group! More on Spiders!

New 2° circular - VII Latin American Congress of Arachnology!

The 2th circular of the VII CLA (VII Latin American Congress of Arachnology, June 16-21, 2024, Bogotá, Colombia), has just been published! On it, you will find information about the venue of our event, costs, deadline for submitting papers for oral presentations and/or posters (March 1, 2024), call for symposium proposals (February 12, 2024), and other important information! We look forward to seeing you in Bogotá! More at VII CLA Website.

¡A new spider family of marronoid clade (Araneae: RTA clade) for the ArachnoTrAC!

Gorneau et al. (2024) revised by phylogeny the marronoid clade of spiders, ranking again as a family the previously recognized Macrobunidae! In the paper, the authors recognized the "unnatural" placing of some genera previously known to belong to Amaurobiidae, Dictynidae and Hahniidae, and now they placed them on Macrobunidae and Cicurinidae! More on Spiders!

¡Three new genera and 13 new hahniid spiders (Hahniidae) from Ecuador!

Dupérré & Tapia (2024) made a faunistic revision of the spider family Hahniidae for Ecuador, descriving 13 new hahniid species from the country in the previously known Amaloxenops (A. minimalista) and Neohahnia (N. catleyi, N. chalupas, N. freibergi, N. paramo, N. piemontana and N. pristirana), and in three new genera (Kasha, K. patpa; Paramito, P. oyacachi and P. papallacta; and Pristirana, P. barthlotti, P. niederi and P. nowickii)! Now are known 6 genera and 16 species of hahniid spiders from the ArachnoTrAC! More on Spiders!

¡Two new sicariid Loxosceles spiders (Sicariidae) from Ecuador!

Dupérré et al. (2024) described and published two new spider species of the genus Loxosceles (Sicariidae) from Ecuador! These new taxa complemented the well-known group of sicariid spiders of the ArachnoTrAC, 33 of which are now known to belong to Loxosceles and seven ones to the genus Sicarius, all of them distributed from Venezuela to Bolivia! More on Spiders!

¡New taxonomic and faunistic data on Actinopus cochabamba!

Ríos-Tamayo et al. (2023) revised and published new taxonomic data on the actinopodid spider Actinopus cochabamba (Actinopodidae), along with a new recording, for the first time, of this previously Bolivian species from Perú! This is the second record of the family Actinopidodidae from this country! More on Spiders!

¡Taxonomic revision and phylogenetics of the neotropical tarantula genus Lasiodora!

Bertani (2023) revised the neotropical tarantula genus Lasiodora (Theraphosidae), along with a new phylogenetic analysis with this and related tarantula genera! The author, also revised the taxonomic status of some species included in some of these related genera, including some species from Bolivia and Venezuela! More on Spiders!

¡New tarantula species (Theraphosidae) from Ecuador!

Peñaherrera-R. & León-E. (2023) described two new tarantula species of the genus Psalmopoeus (Theraphosidae) from north-western and central-western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes mountain range in Ecuador! In addition, revised the taxonomic status of P. ecclesiasticus Pocock, 1093, updating it! More on Spiders!

¡Eleven new scytodoid spiders (Scytodoidea: Drymusidae, Scytodidae) from Ecuador!

Dupérré & Tapia (2023) described eleven new spider species of the Scytodoidea group (Drymusidae, Scytodidae) from Ecuador, raising up the number of known species of Scytodidae to 25 in the ArachnoTrAC! This is also the first record of the family Drymusidae from Ecuador! In addition, the authors made taxonomic changes on some species from Venezuela, and re-described some of its type specimens! More on Spiders!

¡A new Andean tarantula of the genus Anqasha from Peru!

Kaderka (2023) revised the monotypic Andean tarantula genus Anqasha (Theraphosidae), with the description of the unknown female of the type species (A. picta). In addition, the author described a new species in the genus (A. minaperinensis) also from Peru! This is the second species to be known of this genus endemic from this country and the ArachnoTrAC! More on Spiders!

¡A new colonial species of the genus Leucauge (Tetragnatidae) from Amazonia!

Ferreira-Sousa et al. (2023) described a new colonial spider of the genus Leucauge Tetragnathidae) widespread in the Amazon rainforest of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil! This new species lives in colonies, usually positioned above turbulent waters! More on Spiders!

¡Urupelma, a new tarantula genus with eleven new species from Peru!

Kaderka et al. (2023) revised the Peruvian tarantula Homoeomma peruvianum (Chamberlin, 1916), to conclude this species represents a new tarantula genus there named as Urupelma. In the same paper, the authors also described eleven new species of tarantulas from Peru included in this new genus! More on Spiders!

¡New taxonomic data on the giant tarantura genus Xenesthis, with the description of a new species from Venezuela!

Sherwood et al. (2023) re-described the type material of the giant tarantula genus Xenesthis (Theraphosidae), along with new faunistic data on X. colombiana Simon. In addition, the authors described a new species of this genus from Venezuela, now known as X. avanzadora from a male holotype colected at Jesús Maria Semprúm, Estado Zulia! More on Spiders!

¡Eight new species of the pholcid genus Priscula from Ecuador!

Huber et al. (2023) described and published eight new species of the pholcid and neotropical genus Priscula (Pholcidae) from Ecuador! In addition, authors also included a first phylogenetic hypothesis about relationships within the genus. The Andean genus Priscula Simon, 1893 includes the largest Neotropical pholcid spiders, but due to their mostly cryptic lifestyle they remain poorly collected and poorly studied. More on Spiders!

New spider family record (Araneae: Trochanteriidae) for the ArachnoTrAC!

Pompeo et al. (2023) described and published new chromosomal data on the neotropical genera Trochanteria Karsch, 1878 and Vectius Simon, 1897! In addition, authors published new neotropical records for these neotropical genera including Bolivia and Venezuela, currenlty part of the ArachnoTrAC! More on Spiders!

New species and faunistic data on the diplurid genera Diplura and Linothele from Colombia and Peru!

Sherwood et al. (2023) published new faunistic and taxonomic data on the diplurid genera Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850 and Linothele Karsch, 1879 from Neotropical region, with the description of four new species from Colombia (L. gaboi and L. wiwa) and Peru (L. abispa and L. wallacei)! More on Spiders!

COURSE: Introducción a las Arañas Saltarinas Neotropicales (Salticidae)

The pre-congress mini courses of the VII Latin American Congress of Arachnology are offered by researchers with recognized experience, who have decided voluntarily and without financial remuneration to provide these short training sessions, for the personal satisfaction of contributing to the formation of the arachnological community, especially undergraduate students. The money raised by these activities will constitute an economic input for the realization of the VII CLA - Colombia 2024. This course aims to give a quick and complete introduction to Neotropical jumping spiders as well as the systematic tools and methodologies used for their taxonomic determination. More info and inscriptions on Events!

Pre-inscription: until 10 dec 2023! NEW DATE

Date: 17-19 dec 2023.

Place: Virtual.

Note. For reasons of force majeure, this course has been postponed to be held exactly a month later, in December.

Festival ARTrópodo

Welcome to the 2023 annual version of the ARTrópodo Festival, a Cultural, Audiovisual and Scientific Festival, whose mission is to show the fascinating and diverse world of insects and other arthropods through art! 

On this occasion, the ArachnoTrAC Initiative will participate through the Scientific CineForo on the film Arachnophobia (1990), on Saturday, November 4, 2023, starting at 4:00 p.m. at the Bogotá Planetarium! Come and clear all the doubts you have about spiders and other bugs! More on: Events!

Date: 4-5 nov 2023.

Place: Colombia, Bogotá, Planetario de Bogotá (Calle 26b #5-93).

WORKSHOP: Bichos y arañas en la Barco!

This workshop joins a series of science education and communication initiatives of the ArachnoTrAC Initiative, which together with the Virgilio Barco Library (Bogotá Public Library Network - Bibliored), have designed this workshop with a view to covering mainly the child population with these topics of interest in biological conservation, enterelly for free! More on Events!

Date: 31 oct 2023.

Time: 11:00 h, Bogotá Colombia.

Place: Virgilio Barco library, Bogotá, Colombia.

PANEL: La Ciencia del Miedo!

The panel "The Science of Fear" will discuss topics related to the psychology of fear and its characteristics, and myths about Halloween, bats and other bugs! Among the invited panelists are the psychologist and science communicator Karen Corredor (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), the biologist specializing in bats Nicolás Reyes (Alexander von Humboldt Institute), and William Galvis, founder of the ArachnoTrAC Initiative, who will discuss about spiders, arachnids and other bugs! More on Events!

Date: 25 oct 2023.

Time: 17:00 h, Bogotá Colombia.

Place: Casa Magola Buendía, Bogotá, Colombia.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Salticidae) from Ecuador!

Macías-Tulcán et al. (2023) described and published two new species of the jumping spider genus Chapoda (Salticidae) from southern Ecuador, at Puná and Santay Islands, Guayas province! In addition, two new genera records were also reported Bellota (with B. formicina) and Martella (with M. gandu), along with a new species record of Lyssomanes elegans. Finally, the authors also presented new faunistic data on other species in the genera Corythalia, Frigga and Lyssomanes! More on Spiders!

A new species of giant crab spider of the genus Sadala (Sparassidae) from Ecuador!

Peñaherrera & Cisneros-Heredia (2023) described and published a new species of the giant crab spider genus Sadala (Sparassidae: Sadala rauli) from Lowland Evergreen rainforests at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, Amazonian Ecuador! This new species corresponds to the first record of the genus from Ecuador! More on Spiders!

A new huntsman spider genus (Sparassidae: Nativus) with seven new species of spiders from Colombia and Peru!

Casas & Rheims (2023) described a new huntsman spider genus, now known as Nativus, from Amazonian regions of Colombia (four species), Brazil (three new species more) and finally one from Peru! In total, the authors described eight new Amazonian species from Neotropical region, and two new more from Colombia at Andean region! More on Spiders!