Arañas de Colombia


Here are included all the families currently known to be part of the Infraorder Mygalomorphae, especially Avicularioidea and its clade Bipectina. Outside of this is Atypoidea, a super family known to be distributed out of the spatial location of this project, as well as Mesothelae, with its two families Liphistiidae and Heptathelidae. 

Theraphosidae (1 sp and 4 pics)

Note. It is important to note that the Arañas de Colombia project leans mainly towards Araneomorphae. Mygalomorphae is a joint project that is being carried out mainly by researcher Carlos Perafán and collaborators, included the author for some selected groups. Also, despite what the author says here, if you think what could be some of these species o groups, please enter in Contact! For the author it will be a pleasure to learn more and more about these beautiful animals called spiders, or in this case, mygalas or tarantulas!