Arañas de Colombia

Andean Region Catalogs

The present project is geographically located on the Sugamuxi Province, at the high-Andean Cundiboyacense plateau, central-eastern Boyacá, Eastern Mountain Range of Colombia. To this province belongs the municipalities of Sogamoso, Cuítiva, Pesca, Tota, Iza, between others, along with the Lake Tota and some Andean páramos like the Páramo de La Sarna. In this project is also included the private Xieti Natural Reserve, at shore of Lake Tota.

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The Reserva Natural Xieti is a private natural reserve located at shore of Lake Tota, Tota munipality, Province of Sugamuxi, central-eastern Boyacá, Colombia, approximately 3015 masl. The reserve has a portion of native high-Andean forest near to shore of lake and other patches of introduced pine (Pinaceae: Pinus spp) and eucalypts (Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus spp). It is configured as one of the few natural reserves in the region associated with Lake Tota in the middle of an extensive onion agricultural production area.

The "Spiders of the Xieti Natural Reserve" is configured as a sub-project of the macro-project "Spiders of the Sugamuxi Province", which will be published here soon.

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