To Belmarsh Prison


To HMP Belmarsh

att. Prison Governor at HM Prison Service Rob Davis

Western Way


UK - London SE28 0EB

Dear Mr. Rob Davis,

Kia ora Rob.

Writing from New Zealand.

We are closely following developments in the case of Julian Assange and have serious concerns about many aspects of this case.

The Geneva Covention which was set up to determine the rights and responsibilities of combatants in military conflicts requires that transgressions be brought to the attention of the United Nations Security council for investigation which is the role Wikileaks was set up to perform but now the party most guilty of committing transgressions( i.e. war crimes) is doing everything in its power to make sure this can never happen. It is in the interests of every member of the United Nations to defy this tyranny.

Judge Baraitser has refused to grant Julian Assange bail - even though she acknowledges his extreme suffering in prison.

She blocked extradition because of the cruelty of the US prison system, its special administrative measures (SAMs) and out of concern for Julian’s health.

Now there is no heating, no warm water at HMP Belmarsh and the number of covid19-infected people is skyrocketing.

I urge you to make sure that Julian Assange will not become a victim of UKs prison system.

Reporters Without Borders condemns the decision sending Julian Assange back to HMP Belmarsh as unnecessarily cruel.

They fully believe that Julian Assange was targeted for his contributions to journalism and that he shouldn't have to spend another moment unjustly deprived of his liberty.

Amnesty International said, that the "decision to refuse the bail application renders Assange's ongoing detention arbitrary, and compounds the fact that he has endured punishing conditions in high security detention at Belmarsh prison for more than a year.“

Nils Melzer, UN rapporteur on torture, said: "Mr. Assange must now be immediately set free, rehabilitated and compensated for the abuse and arbitrariness he has been exposed to.“

I fully agree with their findings.

Yours sincerely

Alan Preston

New Zealand

Belmarsh Prison responded ....