Nils Metlzer is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture who

has been monitoring Julian Assange's incarceration in London's Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison.

Back in 2015 , Julian Assange submitted to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on a study on the protection of sources and whistleblowers.

The OHCHR are very well aware of Julian's case and have already published their finding that he must be released - The links to Julian's submsission are on our 'Read' page.

The following pro-forma request to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has been prepared for anyone concerned about the rapidly evolving situation with award winning Australian journalist and editor in chief of Wikileaks Julian Assange who is Belmarsh Prison in London awaiting an appeal by the US to have him extradited to face a 175 year sentence - for exposing their war crimes.

Please forward this on through your networks.

The gist of the request is to remind the United Nations' Office of the Commissioner for Human RIghts of their role to ' protect and empower' whistleblowers who are drawing attention to, and providing evidence of, breaches of International Human Rights treaties and agreements such as were revealed by Wikileaks in their release of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs.

The link to this request with embedded links and the e-mail addresses is available here


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Last updated 2021-09-28

Banksy ( 2021-03-01) : On the walls of Reading Gaol (closed since 2013) - where Oscar Wilde Wilde was incarcerated from 25 May 1895 to 18 May 1897.