The Oath


This ones going out

to All the Leaders of the World -

it’s Time to Swear an Oath

to All the Humans that you Serve...

To the Office of the High

Commissioner of Human Rights -

Are you there? Can you Declare

you Care enough about our plight...?

To deny this Plea is really

to deny Humanity,

so Tonight it’s Time to Swear again

(but we don’t mean profanity)

To all the Countries who Signed up

to the Geneva Convention,

(and all you others that have not

get a dishonourable mention) -

our Agreement’s set and been in place

since Nineteen-Forty-Nine,

but by the way you‘ve all been Acting

it was Lost in Mists of Time...

T’was not so long ago

we nearly killed our Species off

with atomic bombs and world wide war

till Humans had enough..

then the Leaders of the Day

came together to Decide

to Play a Different Game

where We Agree to All Abide

by an Oath and Charters to

Protect All Wartime Prisoners,

whether Military Personnel or

simply Concerned Citizens,

to Recognise their Dignity

and Equal Human Rights -

the Foundation of our Freedom,

Justice, Peace and Future plight..

Yes, the Dignity and Worth of

every Human on this Earth -

Universally Acknowledged

with a Single Human’s Birth...

but disregard and pure contempt

soon soiled the Oath they Swore

against fear and barbarous tyranny

when Ethics became Law...

Wars got worse with hi-tech kills

& spyware to enable

a surveillance state for some who’s

graves were destined from the cradle..

Corruption leaked off Wall Street

stinking rotten to the core,

& Occupied our minds like

it had never done before..

Then one day came along a man

named Julian Assange

who made a Thing called Wikileaks

to Counteract the harms

caused by wars and lies

from all corrupt politicians,

by Exposing all their crimes so

we could start to make Decisions

about How we Want our World to Run

& Who we Want in Charge

which is NOT the warring bastards

keeping him behind their bars!!!!

So we’re Calling Out to Humans

who Respect the Right to Live

of Every. Single. Person. Born

of Earth and Sky and Wind..

So with Fire in your Eyes it’s Time

to Stand and Sing our Song

Dreamed upon a Dreamtime

inside Minds who’ve now long gone..

They saw a Better World

where we could get along Together

and Wrote it down in Laws

within a City Named Geneva..

T’was in this Place and Time

we Spelled our Vision for the Future -

like if the World was made of Music

then the UN‘s our Producer*

Or if the World was made of Love,

well, it could be our Kama Sutra,

& if the World was made of Truth then

Wikileaks wouldn’t need a User!!!!!

But the World is made of money

and our Lives are bought and sold

to the masters of the wars

supported by the lies they told..

so the only recourse left for us

is to use this Institution

to Regain some Human Dignity

and to refrain from more confusion..

So once again we make this Plea -

our Promise Must be Kept:

the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights we Must Respect!!!!

If Leaders Swear this Oath again

we’ll regain our Pride and Sanity,

but to deny the Oath this time

is to deny our own Humanity..

I Wish that I could Find a Way

to Come to a Conclusion,

but any Hope this Poem ends here

is likely an Illusion..

I Expect it will go On and On

till Every Creature is made Safe

to Live their Lives in Peace on Earth

in Love with Care and Grace*

Ah! The Blessed Curse of Never-ending

Rhymes inside my Mind!!!

will try to leave it for Tonight

but if indeed you Find

the Time to be Inspired

to Write a Letter or a Line

All the Future Humans

will be so Thankful

