Stella Morris

2020-10-02 Julian Assange's Fiancee Stella Morris delivers statement outside the Old Bailey in London

The fiancee of Julian Assange has spoken of his fight for life, press freedom and truth".

Julian and I would like to thank everyone for their kindness , the kindness that has been shown in the past few weeks.

Every action , every show of suppport means so much for us and we would like to thank you all for helping us continue this fight.

It's a fight for life, a fight for press freedom and a fight for the truth".

Over the past 4 weeks the true nature of this prosecution has come to light.

Julian is being punished for performing a public service that we have all benefited from .

He is in prison because he informed you of actual crimes and atrocities being committed by a foreign power.
That foreign power has ripped away his freedom and torn our family apart.
That foreign power wants to put him in incommunicado detention in the deepest darkest hole of its prison system for the rest of his life . Julian faces a175 year prison sentence . Most of the charges relate to simply receiving and possessing government documents.
Under oath the prosecution concedes that it has no evidence that a single person has ever come to any physical harm because of these publications.
Julian is not a U.S. citizen. He has never lived there.

He did not sign an oath to the U.S. government .
He should not be sent there.

Julian's duty is to the public to publish evidence of wrongdoing , and that is what he did.
Terrible crimes were committed in Iraq and Afghanistan and terrible crimes were committed at Guantanamo Bay.
The perpetrators of those crimes, they're not in prison . But Julian is.

Julian is a publisher. He is also a son , a friend, he is my fiancee and a father.

Our children need their father.

Julian needs his freedom and our democracy needs a free press.

Thank you. 2nd of October 2020