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Julian Assange has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. We think he deserves to win. There is an incredibly long list of actions that Julian has taken to accomplish his ultimate goal-- a more peaceful world. These actions include:

  • Publishing the Iraq War Logs which exposed war crimes

  • Uncovering the "Collateral Murder" video of a journalist who was killed by the U.S. Army

  • Releasing crimes committed by the U.S. State Department in "Cablegate"

  • Raising the curtain on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in the "Gitmo Files"

  • Removing the shroud of secrecy around the Scientology cult

  • Publicly listing the members of the far-right British National Party

  • Publishing "Spy Files: Russia" which detailed Russian operations in Syria

  • Exposing corruption in Turkey involving the Minister of Energy

  • Introduced revelations that the Saudi and Qatari governments were backing ISIS and Al-Nusra

  • and so much more...

Sign our petition here to encourage the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to consider Julian for the Nobel Peace Prize and to persuade formal nominators to support Julian's nomination.

As Julian's partner Stella said so well: if Julian wins the Nobel Peace Prize, he will have a greater chance at freedom.