United Nations


Intimidation and reprisal

The specific clauses in International Human Rights law which effectively address the ' responsibility of states to prevent Intimidation and Reprisals such as Julian Assange is currently enduring for having facilitated access to evidence about transgressions against the Geneva Convention committed by the states which are now detaining him.

The addresses to whom specific complaints can be submitted are listed herein.

Mail to: reprisals@ohchr.org

You could send them the 'Collaterol Murder' video as evidence.

See how you get on. Let us know.

Interesting reading .https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/Pages/Reprisal.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0ajb2ToOZ8ovYCAWqXrfnwMPxgG-ZA1wZuRj9PvKcDl9ha8v_DFZDScA8

The ' San Jose Guidelines' says: " Requesting assistance from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

28.The treaty bodies may request the assistance of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights with a view to obtaining the cessation of alleged acts of intimidation or reprisals, which may include an investigation in accordance with international human rights standards."
