Write to the United Nations


How to share information about cases of intimidation and reprisals

Please feel free to use the following text or to write your own message to the NGO Liaison team of the Human Rights Council Secretariat:

hrcngo@ohchr.org and especially to : reprisals@ohchr.org

We ( 'civil society actors' ) understand that the award-winning Australian journalist and founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange , is being held in Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison in London in the United Kingdom, awaiting an appeal by the United States to extradite him to the U.S. to face charges relating to his role in making available evidence of breaches of the Geneva Convention by British and U.S. military during their invasion and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan . ( see : https://wardiary.wikileaks.org )
It would seem that there exists here a clear case of intimidation and reprisal by the states that stand to be implicated by the evidence that Julian Assange has made available through Wikileaks and that therefore , the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights
must engage with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ( OHCHR ) to actively intervene to protect and empower him.

Signed :
E-mail :
Date :
Place :

The Collateral Murder video was taken on the 12th of July 2007 and released to Wikileaks by Private Bradley Manning .
It provides graphic video evidence of war crimes by US forces in Iraq.

ANOTHER ACTION FOR YOU : Write to the Minister of Justice (UK)