Painting Landscapes

Welcome to Painting Landscapes.

Learn to paint in oils

Hello! I am Andrew Whyte. In this tutorial I will simply endeavour to enlighten you on how I produce bright and natural Landscape Paintings and I will show you my techniques learned from my experience as an artist.

By the time you are reading this you should have already covered the

'Oil Painting for Beginners' tutorial freely available on this website.

Let's make this painting of New Zealand...

We will touch on colour mixing in the process of producing this painting however it is not my intention to create an overnight mixing pro out of you. Colour mixing is a craft that can take many years of practice before you even begin to master it.

There are many variables such as pigment types and pre-mixed tubes of colour. I can show you some basics and focus on applying the paint to the canvas using the available tools at our disposal. I hope you gain much confidence.

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