Oil Painting for Beginners - Healthy Painting
Oil Painting for Beginners - Healthy Painting
Health and Safety Tips
Health and Safety Tips
Oil Paint is for use by adults and properly supervised children. They contain potentially hazardous materials and require care in use.
* Keep all artists material well out of the reach of children.
* Work in a well-ventilated space and do not smoke.
* Use acrylics if you have respiratory problems.
* Protect you hands by using barrier cream. Avoid prolonged skin contact with paint and wash your hand thoroughly.
* Do not suck your brushes. Do not spread butter with a palette knife.
* Replace lids on all paints. Keep lids on Turps at all times to avoid breathing the fumes. A very common bad thing is leaving a turpsy rag under your nose when you are working as it slowly fumes away.
Remember! Health is wealth.