The Britain Paintings
I lived in England from 2014 to 2015 and worked in a motorcycle shop in Kent. I was busy with my work and travels and did not get a lot of time to paint. The oil paintings I did compete in that time were done in our conservatory in our terraced house in Hadlow Road Maidstone. These were based from photographs I took on my travels of the Britain. I will return there one day to paint en Plein Air and work towards a more complete collection of paintings. These paintings are mostly available for sale.
East Sussex Coastline. Oil Painting. A stormy day on Beachy Head. Painted while I lived in England in 2015. Presented unframed at this stage with Oil on Canvas Board. 762 x 508mm. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $600
Blue Bells in the Kent Woods. Oil Painting. In spring the Blue Bells come out in the English woods and look amazing. Oil on Canvas Block 600 x 450mm. Presented unframed at this stage. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $300
Norfolk Fields. . Acrylic on canvas board presented unframed at this stage. 505 x 405mm. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $300
Vinter's Park Maidstone in Winter. Oil Painting. I lived in Kent in 2015 and this painting was from our favourite morning walk. One day it snowed. 600 x 450mm presented on canvas block in Oils. Not framed at this stage. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $300
Port Erin on the Isle of Man. Oil Painting. Presented unframed at this stage on canvas board. 350x 600mm. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $300
Scottish Highlands Panorama. Oil Painting. Not sure of the exact location but painted while I travelled Scotland's high country in 2015. Oil on Canvas block presented unframed at this stage. 1000 x 405mm. AVAILABLE. Unframed for ease of transport. $600