Everything About Hi-Definition Liposuction

Do you want to have perfectly sculpted abs? We understand your anguish. Endless crunches can be excruciating in more ways than one. The truth is that most of us will never be able to naturally achieve the chiseled physique of a competitive bodybuilder or a body-tuned IG influencer, no matter how many gym hours we put in or macros we carefully track.

Fat is similar to a fingerprint. Because each person's deposit pattern is unique, the same amount of fat can appear very differently between individuals. It's also why we can only go so far with lifestyle changes. That is where plastic surgery comes in for many people.

Liposuction has grown in popularity over the years due to its safe and predictable outcomes. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 250,000 lipo procedures on so-called "problem areas" were performed in the United States alone in 2018. Meanwhile, surgical innovators have continued to fine-tune the procedure to produce increasingly fine-tuned results.

The most recent technique, known as high-definition or hi-def liposuction, was popularized in South America and uses more precise tools and methods to create incredibly natural-looking curves that mimic muscle contours.

Difference Traditional Liposuction vs. High Definition Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is simply the removal of fat from areas that are overly full or problematic. Surgeons use this new technique to selectively remove fat from certain areas while leaving a little extra in others to create aesthetically pleasing peaks and valleys.

The increasingly sculpted results are the result of a combination of the plastic surgeon's training and skill, as well as the use of modern modalities that facilitate fat removal while protecting surrounding tissue. Some of these devices use different types of energy to liquefy fat cells prior to removal, such as ultrasonic (Vaser liposuction) or laser (Smartlipo). Others, such as power-assisted liposuction (PAL), use a vibrating cannula to help break up fat and keep cells intact for possible fat grafting. Power-assisted lipo-sculpture, which combines varying cannula sizes with skin-tightening radiofrequency energy (such as BodyTite), produces excellent chiseled contours.

Areas of the Body That Can Be Treated With Hi-Def Liposuction

High-definition liposuction is a game changer. We can improve not only the patient's natural abdominal musculature, but also other areas such as the deltoids, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and pecs because we are aiming for a total torso transformation. Back, arms, thighs, and calves can also be treated by surgeons.

Best Hi-Def Liposuction Candidate

Patients with a BMI in the normal range, good skin quality, and minimal or no laxity who already live a healthy lifestyle but want to get rid of problem fat pockets are the best candidates for hi-def lipo. Basically, it's best for those looking for a definition like "the gym is my day job."

Although hi-def liposuction is a popular body contouring treatment for both men and women, an increasing number of men are interested in the procedure.

How to Locate the Best Hi-Def Liposuction Provider

With high-definition demand on the rise, you should be extra cautious when looking for potential providers. You must not only find a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your hi-def liposuction surgery, but you must also ensure that surgeon specializes in the technique. The most important piece of advice is to go to a surgeon who has a lot of experience with men's body contouring and has a lot of before and after photos on their website to prove it.

The consequences of accepting cosmetic surgery "deals" offered by less-than-expert providers are both immediate and long-term. You are not only increasing your chances of complications such as bleeding and infection (which are statistically possible even with the most skilled surgeon), but you are also increasing your chances of receiving disappointing results in the future. As we age, we naturally lose superficial fat, which can be problematic if a surgeon removes too much fat.

High-Definition Liposuction Surgery and Its Outcomes

Unless the volume is extremely high, high-definition liposuction is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under general anaesthesia. Downtime varies depending on the procedure and the patient, but it typically ranges from two to five days at home. Patients must wear compression garments 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the first two to four weeks, and they should expect some bruising and soreness. Most patients are ready for light exercise after two weeks and can go to the gym one month after surgery. After six weeks, all restrictions are lifted.

The Bottom Line

While liposuction has been a popular cosmetic procedure for decades, hi-def techniques are especially popular right now thanks to social media. Patients are working out more and flaunting their results on Instagram and other social media platforms. Nonetheless, finding the right provider for your procedure is critical to ensuring that the long-term outcomes are both safe and satisfying.

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