Breast Lift After Breast Feeding

All You Need To Know

We hear a lot about how the body changes during and after pregnancy, including the unavoidable weight gain and rapidly changing body shape, changes to the breasts, the emergence of skin conditions, and postpartum hair loss, to name a few. The changes that occur during and after breastfeeding, on the other hand, receive far less attention.

Needless to say, the breasts bear the brunt of breastfeeding, and some mothers who have sagging breasts or a lack of fullness seek to change their new breast shape or restore them to their pre-baby look, and a mastopexy, also known as a breast lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can improve the shape, volume, and positioning of the chest. So, what happens if you have a breast lift as a result of breastfeeding?

How Breastfeeding Affects Breasts

Although the size of the breasts varies from woman to woman, everyone experiences an increase in size during pregnancy. The breast gland grows in size as a result of hormonal changes such as estrogen and progesterone surges. The breasts will continue to grow larger throughout pregnancy, and the changes will not stop there.

During and after pregnancy, the breasts swell due to the ability to produce milk. Breastfeeding then adds to this cycle by expanding and contracting the breasts multiple times per day for the duration of the breastfeeding period. The parenchyma, or the milk-producing part of the breast, inverts at the end of the cycle. This, combined with the fact that the skin is stretched numerous times, frequently results in a saggy and empty-looking breast.

Breast Lifting After Breastfeeding

Breast lifts, performed alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation, may be the best option for women who want to restore or change the appearance of their breasts after breastfeeding. To see if you are a good candidate for the procedure, your plastic surgeon will look at your current breast shape and position, paying special attention to where the nipple and areola are in relation to the inframammary fold, which is the lower part of the breast where it meets the chest.

The grades of breast ptosis, or drooping, are determined by the position of the nipple in relation to this fold. There is a three-grade scale, and grade three ptosis occurs when the nipple points straight down and three centimetres below the fold. However, it is not just about the nipple. Some patients have ‘pseudoptosis,' which is when the nipple remains in place but the bottom of the breast sags.

Your plastic surgeon will discuss the best breast lift method for your degree of sagging and ptosis after assessing the grade of ptosis. For mild ptosis, the options range from using radiofrequency energy to tighten the breasts without scars to a much more involved procedure with various scar patterns to help tighten the breasts as needed.

Surgical Techniques For Breast Lift

The Crescent Lift

A crescent lift is performed on patients who require minor nipple elevation and involves a scar just along the top outer edge of the areola.

Peri-areolar Lift

This procedure is best suited for patients with minor breast sagging because the incision is made around the entire areola.

Vertical Elevation

An incision is made around the areola and vertically down the breast fold, also known as a 'lollipop lift.' It is most appropriate for patients with moderate nipple and breast sagging, pseudoptosis (sagging breast tissue beneath the nipples and areolae), and more extensive breast reshaping.

Inverted-T Lift

This procedure is recommended for patients with significant sagging of the breast tissue and nipple, as well as those with grade three ptosis. An incision around the areola, a vertical incision to the breast fold, and a curvilinear incision along the breast fold are all part of the anchor lift.

The Advantages of Breast Lifting After Breastfeeding

Among the most common post-breast lift benefits are a more youthful breast shape and restored confidence. Patients have also reported less back pain, less under-the-breast sweating, and less rashes, bra grooving, and shoulder pain.

Another advantage? The low level of upkeep required. The results are long-lasting, but patients must maintain their weight and wear a supportive bra. In general, women are advised to postpone surgery until they have finished having children, and it is important to remember that the natural ageing process will continue to play a role. Gravity is always present, and the breasts continue to stretch as you get older.

Call 9930998023 to book your consultation with Dr Siddharth Prakash.

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