Adaptogens And Skincare - 7 Herbs For Healthy Skin

While the wellness industry welcomes innovation, many of the "newest" trends have their roots in ancient history. Adaptogens first appeared as an exciting addition to the hugely popular superfood trend a few years ago. It refers to plants and herbs that help your body "adapt" to cope with stress.

These incredible healing herbs and plants can help with fatigue, mental performance, and energy levels. What more could you want from nature's bounty? How about some gorgeous skin to go along with it? Here are the seven best adaptogen herbs to help you glow. Look for these ingredients in skin-care products or supplements.

1. Ashwagandha 

The ashwagandha plant, also known as Indian ginseng, is a small shrub with yellow flowers. This adaptogen is said to lower cortisol levels, so if you're prone to clogged pores and acne, ashwagandha is one of your allies. If you already have a breakout, the herb works well as a spot treatment because it is antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory.

2.  Schisandra

Schisandra is a fruit-bearing vine. It has been shown in studies to cleanse the liver, increase stamina, reduce stress, and improve concentration. However, its newfound popularity is due to its beauty benefits rather than anything else.  Schisandra berry extracts target two chemical processes linked to skin health and ageing at the molecular level; collagen XVII and ladinin-1.

3. Rhodiola rosea

This perennial flowering plant, also known as arctic root or golden root, is known to help manage stress, fight fatigue, and other ailments. This adaptogen provides additional oxidative protection to prevent premature ageing, due to its high concentration of antioxidant polyphenols and proanthocyanidins. Rhodiola rosea stimulates the skin as well, promoting circulation and cell turnover.

4. Triphala

Triphala is a poly-herbal medicine, which means it contains several different medicinal herbs. It is a herbal concoction made up of three fruits native to India: bibhitaki, amalaki, and haritaki. The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of the adaptogen are well known. Triphala is also thought to be a skin protectant. It has a protective effect on the epidermis and dermal fibroblasts cells within the dermal layer of the skin that help it recover from injury. It can even stimulate collagen production.

5. Maca

Maca, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is native to South America, specifically the high Andes mountains of Peru. This adaptogen is a beauty powerhouse, in addition to its ability to calm the mind, increase stamina, and increase sex drive. Because it is a proven hormone regulator, it is ideal for reducing monthly breakouts. It can also help protect the skin from UV rays and prevent pigmentation by providing a healthy dose of vitamin C.

6. Indian gooseberry

The fruit of the Indian gooseberry also known as amla, a tree that grows in India, the Middle East, and some Southeast Asian countries, has been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Gooseberries promote liver health, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce inflammation, among other things. One study discovered that Indian gooseberry extract could boost collagen production, while another discovered that the adaptogen aided in wound healing.

7. Shilajit

Shilajit is unique in that, while it is classified as an adaptogen, it is not technically a "herb," but rather a mineral-rich substance formed over hundreds of thousands of years by the compression of organic material between layers of rock. It is frequently used in powder form and is frequently added to beverages, teas, or elixirs. This adaptogen contains over 85 minerals and has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, iron deficiency anaemia, high altitude sickness, and other conditions. It's also high in fulvic acid, a hard-to-find nutrient that reduces inflammation and may protect against free radicals and cellular damage, slowing the ageing process.

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