Final Project

Final Assignment

Final Project (due two weeks after the final week)

□ Identify your best photos

□ Create a “Life in the Day” Project and share it in Google Docs

A Day in the Life: Identity, Storytelling, Action

The Project

If someone were a fly on the wall in your life, what would they see? Using the photography tips and some inspiration from the videos below, take a series of photos that tells your story. This can be taken as a literal (waking up, brushing teeth, going to class) or abstract (what does your mind see during a day?). Take some time to brainstorm ideas before you start taking photos. What is it that you want to tell others about who you are and what a day is like for you? This could be a typical day, or a day you remember as a child, or even a day from your future. I want you to be creative and think through what you want before taking your first picture!

Demonstrate some of the techniques you've learned about in this class... 1. Framing: Be aware of the frame of your subject; use your viewfinder to be thoughtful about your composition. Frame the shot in your mind first. 2. Leading Lines: Use some leading lines to help make your photos more engaging to the viewer. 3. People Placement: Try not to always center your subject. Use the rule of 3rds to help place your subject and the surroundings of your picture.

4. Remove Clutter: Take time to move out objects that do not enhance the quality of your photo. 5. Perspective: Be creative with the angles of your shot. You could shoot a picture looking up, looking down, or at an angle. 6. Negative Space: Unless you're using it for a specific reason, try to eliminate negative space that does not add to the photo. 7: Do your absolute best (if you have the capabilities) to play with manual / aperture priority settings. 8. If you want to add music (in IMovie or another application) you can!!

Need Inspiration? Well here you go...

A day in the Life Project ideas

And Tips...