Why I Quit The Gym & You Probably Should Too

Around the new year 2017, I made a wish: to stop the leisure center and get back in shape.

I realize this seems like a slightly different New Year's goal, but I have been a dedicated gymnast for about 5 years (not sure it's a word, but it starts). My constitution hadn't changed dramatically, except for a slightly better definition of the arm and sometimes a little better pectoral muscles. In any case, for the effort, I put in it and for the money in general, it was not worth the arrival because of speculation.

And what has happened since I stopped the admissions center? Overall, I brewed a lot, ate a ton of cheddar and developed good training systems.

The result. I was roughly equivalent when I left for the practice center.

The reaction of many visitors to the fitness center will be without a doubt: you did not make enough effort in the fitness center or you were very well inspired.

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I used to go to the recreation center three times a week and put in an hour at a time - each set had a click to make sure that every moment was used optimally. I left the recreation center and sweated every time I went. Really. Everybody. Time.

So my center for self-inspiration was great? Very well. I ran a home week after week (about 8 km) to take a photo. There are also a few around the leisure center. That's all.

So why stop the reception center?

Especially if you are one of those people who work in the recreation center for about 2 hours, 4 times a week and post selfies on Instagram in the setup of the exercise center - it doesn't matter.

If you are one of those people who are interested in social matters and who seemingly know everyone there and who is full of advice and things ... you are probably not affected either.

I am talking to the remaining 90% of the population - people who walk, arguing that they have a trend that they should have. People arriving at the recreation center simply make a fleeting effort and do a few sets of SITs, or even more unhappy, on an activity bike.

You've probably been sitting in one place all day eating cakes, and you see the calories increase in the increased storefront until they reach a number similar to this Krispy cream so you can go home.

Or, on the other hand, you have to lose a stone to be able to go to the coast for this occasion, put on your wedding dress and eat more cake on your birthday.

On the other hand, you saw a photo of Kate Middleton in a swimsuit on vacation, in a charming new place, and you decided to despise your heavy body and take care of business.

Try not to be mistaken. These are usually honorable reasons to exercise - and do what you have to. Anyway, at the reception center? Not really.

The exercise center is for body artists who have real wellness systems and programs and are pursuing an ultimate goal. They will also achieve this ultimate goal because they need exactly what they need. At the point where they are not at the practice center, they organize their next visit to the recreation center and look forward to it.

It's you? When you can't help yourself, you can cancel the registration at your fitness center.

What do I do now at this point?

Did you drop it? Now save £ 60 a month? Come on, you! Do you have a donut?

I'm kidding, I don't have a donut, it's a terrible thought.


First of all - it's your eating routine. I hate to break it for you, but that's probably why you're a little warped around the edges. With the likelihood that it will arrive in a package and contain fasteners that you usually don't understand - move away. If he presses intensely on the spread, which is loaded with minerals and nutrients and permanently seduces you several times gradually to the opposite sex - stay away. These "firm" breakfast bars and beans or those low-fat stuff. Turn it.

So what to eat? Eat normal foods. Plus, not lots.

Also, drink water. Try not to go crazy, 2 liters is the prescribed amount - about 4 liters of water.

Anyway, do you notice when you are dry? Take some water.


The moment you take OK fuel for your body and don't infuse it with added substances, you don't have to go to great lengths to process it. This generally makes the activity a bit simple.

My routine was as follows.

I would, therefore, walk to the next petrol station, which has a short break. At this point, I was going to my work extremely stationary, I would have the opportunity to have lunch and after that, I would go for a walk during my short lunch break as much as planned. A few days, it was 5 or 10 minutes. It was my whole lunch break on different days. And when I came home after that, I walked home or ran.

The total dynamic day-to-day time was about 1 hour, at least 30.

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To strengthen an activity system, it's a good idea to have a lot of fun while you do it.

I discovered parkour recently. Parkour is known for people who do somersaults and jump over roofs, but in their businesses, it is essentially an approach to go from a to ball the more fascinating. I am simple, I do not yet do somersaults or blinds, but I jump on things, tear down partitions or trees, or do push-ups and sit-ups in the leisure center.

I do opposition training. Trying to use my body for the things it was supposed to do - climb, bounce, lift. Anyway ... without paying a month's fee for it.

Approaches to move freely

There are many ways to practice and not pay a dime. Parkour is a decent sport for me because it is actually about running outdoors. When I get to a seat, I bounce back and forth a bit. Or when I see a tree or a fence, I climb it or jump it.

With the possibility that you live in the nation - or in a small town that approaches the nation - well done. You can probably climb slopes, climb trees, swim in the sea or on a waterway and have a wide range of free things to choose from.

He tends to be busier in the big city.

Running is a good start, but some people find that it can affect their joints, especially without proper warm-up exercises.

Walking is the easiest. You just have to walk around as much as you reasonably expect, as quickly as possible, and do it consistently. Add an outdoor activity and if you can do ten or twenty crunches and pushups, you will find great results.

Recording a game is probably the most ideal way to stay in shape like a violin. Football, volleyball, dodgeball, cycling, tennis, yoga, pilates, swimming, aerobatics, hiding the hot dog ... Okay, maybe the Viennese is not covered, but essentially everything that makes you move and has a lot of fun.

Most likely hide the Frankfurter.

Whatever you do, be active and be critical, don't do it at the recreation center. Unless you need a loading rack to shape your tight buns, you're just wasting your money.