Step by step instructions to clean up the mass: Build muscle with minimal fat

Some claim that the usual cutting cycle for buildings is the best, while others say that in any case, it is ideal for gaining muscle without building fat.

So the basic question is, "Would it be advisable to massage and cut afterward, or just do a muscle adjustment?"

The answer to this lies in your eating routine. So how about we look at some key nutritional variables to determine how your diet affects your ability to build muscle.

It sounds pretty good, but it's because it's worth it: what you eat and the amount of food you eat each day legitimately affects your ability to build muscle. Plus, yes, I said, don't just eat protein! Not at all, as many people accept, since you are consuming huge amounts of protein, that does not mean that you are promoting muscle building.

So how can nutrition do such an important job in building muscle?

Overall, your body constantly consumes a certain amount of vitality, which is expressed in calories. Normally, the body derives this vitality largely from the food you eat and the fat you store.

If you encourage your body to lack the vitality it consumes, you are at this stage in a "caloric deficiency" which results in weight loss and consumption of fat. The fact is that it also implies that your ability to develop your muscles is greatly reduced.

This is the reason why you cannot build muscle AND lose fat at the same time (unless you are affected by certain medications).

I don't understand what this means for you?

This means that if you are not joking with the building, you are eating too much. So to speak, you have to "eat big to become huge".

This goes hand in hand with breaking points. One of the most well-known fantasies is that you can just eat whatever you want during construction. This will fix you, but probably not the way you need it.

Okay, you'd rather not eat too little, but you should also avoid excessive indulgence. So what is the perfect sum?

Here is a simple and reliable guide on how much food you should eat to increase muscle development: Eat 10% more calories than you eat each day.

By maintaining this little "extra calorie", you are ensuring that your body's ability to mix muscle proteins is working properly and you are limiting your fat stores.

These calories are assumed to come from healthy foods with normal sources of carbohydrates, protein, and insignificant nutrients and fats. OK ... maybe a cheat dinner every week or somewhere nearby, but remember, it's a CLEAN fair!

Here is a reliable and decent desires guideline: Ideally, you should change your eating routine until you gain between 5 and 1.5 pounds of weight each week.

If you gain several pounds a week for something other than your first 2-3 weeks of weightlifting, you are eating too much at that time (you are consuming a lot of fat).

If you are gaining less than 1 pound per week even if you have not yet gained the first 20 pounds of muscle, you should eat more at this point.

In this sense, it is how you measure yourself correctly and eat the perfect amount of food that allows your body to develop your muscles while limiting the fat storage capacity.

Currently, the question is when is it a good idea for me to abandon construction and put cutting in the spotlight.

The reaction to this is very simple and depends on the muscle / fat ratio.

People if you don't have a muscle to fat ratio greater than 15% of young women if you have more than 25%, you should reduce fat at this point.

Why this number?

On the whole, there is the visual factor (if you reach more than 15%, you look "fat" - the abs disappear completely, the muscles look like large masses, etc.) but there is an additional factor.

The bigger you are, the easier it is to get fat and stay fat, which hinders overall muscle building.

The more muscle and fat, the greater the ability to lose fat and the more likely it is to eliminate starch than fat.

So if you accidentally think of a "messy" building, you simply find that unnecessary weight gain during a "dirty" or "visionary mass" hinders muscle development and makes it difficult to fix weight gain.

That means:

People, in case you have between 10 and 12% muscle-to-fat ratio and young women between 20 and 22% and need to grow, you should massage at this point.