Attack Your Fat by Using a Jump Rope

With so many people feeling that cardio is exhausting, I decided to solve what is probably the biggest puzzle to make cardio fun and challenging! After that, I decided to tell you my schedule to jump with ropes to attack your unwanted abdominal fat!

Jumping Rope

Although curiously, hardly anyone uses a skipping rope for oxygen-consuming activities, I think hop rope is a great way to get amazing cardiovascular exercise as long as you enjoy it. Also, a skipping rope can promote cardiovascular well-being while improving coordination and mobility.

If this activity is carried out as often as possible, it can also lead to a strong continuity. Also, how many times did you not go to the recreation center or take a morning walk because of terrible weather conditions that can not be controlled? Jumping rope could have been an exceptional option in this situation.

Six good reasons to use a skipping rope for cardiovascular exercise

1. You are reasonable You can buy a decent skipping rope for about $ 20.

2. They are incredible when you travel and do not approach any recreation center. You can take a hop rope everywhere because it's so small.

3. Not only if you can use a jump rope in a recording center, but also if you have enough space to perform a complete movement. You can also jump rope outside and at work during the lunch break.

4. It's a nice change for people who are tired of trying daily cardiovascular activities.

5. It's an amazing way to consume calories. If you managed to jump rope for 60 minutes, depending on your digestion, you could destroy up to 1000 calories.

6. Strengthens the whole body. It's true. The vast majority of important muscle bundles in the upper and lower body are strengthened by bouncing the rope when performed under predictable conditions.

How to choose a good jump rope

Choosing a rope of hops is more difficult than expected. Above all, I recommend using a skipping rope in the calf, as it does not deteriorate after a while like other strings. At this point, make sure that the rope handles are thick and comfortable. Finally, complete the attached test to ensure that the cable length is sufficient:

Hold the rope handles in each hand and put your feet on the rope as it touches the ground. If the handles are not under your armpits, you have a good rope at this stage.

Some tips to prevent jumping injuries

1. Always wear comfortable shoes. In this sense, you reduce the risk of a leg injury. Similarly, a good pair of shoes prevent your joints and feet from being worn and torn.

2. An incredible warm-up that avoids the damage is to wear bouncy jackets and to stretch. Hopping Jacks helps your body to get into the movements you do when you jump rope.

Starting Out

Jumping rope is an activity that is not hard to do, especially if you are not lucky enough to be a beginner. It takes a lot of coordination and willpower to jump on a rope for a while. Below, I have three levels where you can try to jump rope. These steps are the beginning to organize in the middle of the road and pushed forward.

Beginning Stage

This phase is the most important and the most difficult to experiment but must last. When I started to limit the rebound, I needed a lot of tolerance to get used to the movements. Skipping rope is undeniably more nerve-wracking than jumping on a bike or treadmill.

Follow these steps to skip the rope:

o Step 1: First hold the handles of each hand and place the rope at the back of your heels on the floor.

o Step 2: Try to end a few uprisings with a full movement. Practice these remedies for about 5 minutes, then you will begin to feel good about what you are doing.

At that moment, I jumped to the skipping rope 3 days a week for 5 minutes. Try not to exceed 5 minutes a day as you may be hurt the first time you perform this activity.

Intermediate Stage

After about a month, you should feel at home in the organization of the amateurs, improve their will, their muscular coordination and their continuity. Right now, you can try to skip ten minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. It may seem overly simple, but jumping from one rope to another can be a painstaking act that requires a lot of training.

Advanced Stage

After finishing the middle of the stage on the road (which should take about four and a half months), you can tear more and let the rope jump for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. If you can not go that far, you will be in shape and receive the welfare rewards associated with this arduous task.