Carb Cycling - How to Get Big and Stay Lean

The carbohydrate cycle is an extraordinary method for people trying to become "huge" and stay slim. It would be ideal if you noticed that this technique is extremely practicable and should be used by fairly lean breeders. In case you need to lose a lot of weight, you should refrain from eating first. If you need to take a ton of weight (more than 15 pounds), you should focus on getting more calories. This method is ideal for students who want to study their physical condition and perform tireless movements. So how is it conceivable to include mass and not supply fat? The right answer is cycling in carbohydrates.

Carb Cycling is a diet control method that controls how much starch is consumed on a given day. "By regularly varying the macronutrients, we can ensure that exposure and bodybuilding are improved when it matters most while consuming fat on different days" (Starnes). The three possible days we will use include "high carbohydrate days," "average" days, and "low carbohydrate days."

"High Carbohydrate" days are used on the toughest days of preparation. Nowadays, you must encourage your body to consume a large number of carbohydrates to put it in a highly anabolic state.

"Moderately carbohydrate" days are used on days of preparation that put less strain on the body. Nowadays, the goal is to give your body enough carbohydrate to recharge your exercises, but not enough to put your body in a profoundly anabolic state. These days are days of support.

"Low carbohydrate days" are used on days off or on days when you are performing cardio-molding or lightweight-molding. Nowadays, your main goal is to consume fat. Since you perform a negligible action, your body does not need sugar. These days are big usage days.

Since we understand what the carbohydrate cycle is and what factors need to be controlled, we need to know how many carbohydrates we should take into our bodies on certain days. Since we vary our starchy foods on certain days, our fat and protein intake also changes. Here is a simple overview. It would be ideal if you noticed that these numbers depend on the number of grams per pound of body weight.

High day

Fat: negligible fat

Carbohydrates: 2-3 grams

Protein: 1-1.25

Middle and low days

Fat: 0.15-0.35

Carbohydrates: 0.5-1.5

Proteins: 1.25-1.5

Although I tell you to distribute your starches, proteins, and fats throughout 5 to 8 dinners, the vast majority in the "present reality" can not count the calories. NO MATTERS! If you follow these principles, you do not have to worry about your calorie intake.

- Have breakfast regularly.

- Eat vegetable protein/leaf food with every meal.

- Only eat starchy foods (cereals, dark rice, prepared potatoes, wholemeal pasta, etc.) for breakfast on average days of high carbohydrate consumption. Starch is your main source of sugar. Therefore, if you control your starch intake, check your carbohydrate intake. To fully understand this, please note the following diagram:

Low days - no strengths! Just a special case would be a shake after training after endurance sports or shaping.

Average Days - During the pre-workout dinner, during and after preparation, and during the first two dinners after preparation, you will be taking starchy foods.

High days Eat starchy foods with every dinner. Although this seems like a lot of carbohydrates, keep in mind that these are your exceptionally anabolic days. Look at that. If you weigh 200 pounds and consume 2 to 3 grams of carbs per pound of body weight; That's equivalent to 400-600 carbs that day! The most plausible approach to becoming familiar with the basic level of sugar is to feed the body's strengths throughout the day.

Please note that the carbohydrate circuit is excellent not only for fattening but also for losing body fat. Although the principles remain the same, you must vary the number of high days compared to the low days. It takes more sunny days to gain weight than when you are cutting. For beginners in the carburetor sector, I recommend starting with 3 high days per week, 2-3 moderate days and 1-2 low days. After a few weeks, you can comment on these numbers according to your goals and wishes. The benefit of using the carbohydrate circuit during a cutting phase [ ] is that you can reduce body fat without losing size.